Какво беше адресираното предизвикателство/проблем?

In the framework of an agricultural advisory project of the Swiss center for mountain regions the obstacles and potentials in digitalisation of the value chain in mountain agriculture have been revealed (https://www.sab.ch/leitfaden-zur-digitalisierung-in-der-wertschoepfungskette-berglandwirtschaft/). One of the study area was Valposchiavo. It became clear that the agricultural stakeholders need practical support in the introduction of new digital tools and peering.

Как решихте проблема?

The director of Polo Poschiavo (https://polo-poschiavo.ch/)– Cassiano Luminati – took up the endeavour and together with the regional, agricultural advisory service is building up a vocational training/continued learning on implementation of digital tools in small scale farming and bringing together differenct actors of the value chain.

Какво е иновативно във вашия практически случай?

It is a new service that up to now does not exist elsewhere in a peripheric region in Switzerland and is therefore particularly close – geographically and contentwise to the needs of the local farmers.

Какви са факторите за успех при решаването на проблема?

Make the access to the training series as simple as possible to the farmers.


too early to be spotted

Каква роля играе съветникът или консултантската служба с практическия случай?

Polo Poschiavo develops the content of the training together with the regional agricultural advisory service. Besides that, the regional advisor helps in approaching the farmers and is also involved into training itself.

Може ли вашият подход да бъде прехвърлен и/или адаптиран за други иновационни предизвикателства и региони?


Приблизителна възможност за прехвърляне в скала от 1 да се 5

(където 1 е лесно и 5 много трудно)



За споделяне на опит от добрата практика, Моля свържете се

Cassiano Luminati

cassiano.luminati@polo-poschiavo.ch; 0041 81 834 60 91

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