Какво беше предизвикателството/проблемът, на който беше обърнато внимание?

Slovenia does not have an effective traceability and marketing system for organic beef. Much of the meat that is produced organically continues its way through the supply chain as conventional meat. The project will establish a system to increase the share of locally produced organic beef in the food supply chain in Slovenia. The system will be based on the traceability of organic meat and meat products from farmer to plate and will be based on sustainable production methods typical of organic farming, thus promoting the reduction of negative environmental impacts.

Как решихте проблема?

The objective of the activity was to establish a functioning traceability system for organic beef from farm to fork by building a traceability model based on modern digital technologies for data exchange and ensuring data integrity (blockchain technology, и т.н.) and to use this system to improve the positioning of locally produced organic beef products on the market.

Какви са факторите за успех при решаването на проблема?

Key results expected for practical application:
An efficient decentralised traceability system applicable to the wider practice of marketing organic products.
New opportunities for the development of new business models for the production and sale of organic meat.
Increased competence of farms and agricultural advisors in the digitalisation of agriculture.
Increased transparency in the organic beef supply chain in Slovenia.
Increased consumer confidence in marketing systems for organic products.
Increased share of organic meat in the food supply chain in Slovenia, thus encouraging the spread of organic meat production.
Monitoring results that will be useful for the introduction of technologies and for expert advice on the digitalisation of agriculture as well as on the sustainable use of natural resources and efficient practices in organic farming.
The vision of extending the model and the traceability system to all other segments of agricultural production at a later stage.

Неочакван провал, Ако някой

No unexpected failures.


An important part of the activity is the recording and monitoring of indicators of sustainable use of natural resources specific to organic farming, through which to promote the reduction of negative impacts on the environment, to encourage the conservation of biodiversity in habitats, to maintain farming in areas with natural and other constraints, and to promote organic farming and a wider supply of products from quality schemes in general. The farms have contributed data to the system on the rearing of their animals and on indicators of sustainable use of natural resources specific to organic farming, which will be cross-checked with data from other stakeholders in the system to build a consensus on the veracity of the data. The system is designed to be as easy to use as possible for all stakeholders, while at the same time allowing farms to develop new market approaches and new business models on the basis of the system.

Каква роля играе съветникът или консултативната служба в практическия случай?

Моделът и системата за проследяване, които създаваме, могат да имат важен принос за бъдещото развитие на биологичното земеделие в Словения.
Чрез осигуряване на по-ясна проследимост, ще можем да повишим доверието на потребителите. Като резултат, повече органично говеждо ще се продава на целевите потребители. Данните, които ще бъдат събрани и събрани на едно място в системата, също ще бъдат полезни за консултантска работа във фермата.

Може ли вашият подход да бъде прехвърлен и/или адаптиран за други иновационни предизвикателства и региони?


Приблизителна възможност за прехвърляне в скала от 1 да се 5
(където 1 е лесно и 5 много трудно)


За споделяне на опит от добрата практика, please contact Igor Hrovatič (igor.hrovatic@kgzs.si)
