Какво беше предизвикателството/проблемът, на който беше обърнато внимание?

Green care also refered to as social farming is the combination of agricultural production with social and educational work. It combines multifunctional agriculture and health services at a local level.

Social services on farms mean additional income for the farms and additional employees, but also a contribution to the provision of services of general interest for people with disabilities in rural areas. До тук, there have been a few, but very successful, nationwide,individual solutions. The greatest challenge lies in linking two sectorsagriculture and the social economy.Both speak different languages and require a great deal of knowledge about the possibilities, approaches and limitations of the partner.

The aim of the project is to use best-practice examples to illustrate how this type of offer can work and establish itself as a branch of the business. In the course of the project, these findings will optimise the content of an existing training course and contribute to the development of quality criteria for the subsequent certification of Green Care farms.

Как решихте проблема?

Using examples of best practice, the project demonstrates how offers of this kind can work and establish themselves as a new branch of business.In the course of the project, these findings will optimise the content of an existing training course and contribute to the development of quality criteria for the subsequent certification of Green Care farms. The project farms are very transparent about their experiences and thus encourage other farms to emulate them and should utilise the experience gained and the wealth of knowledge.

Какво е иновативно във вашия практически случай?

Social farming is in itself an innovative approach that uses diversification to create multifunctional agriculture through diversification. The “social servicesbranch of farming is a new branch of farming and generates additional income. This branch of farming is particularly initiated by the women of the farming family. The project supports the development of example farms with a model character, which other farmers interested in this branch of farming. As part of the project, quality guidelines are being developed for the subsequent certification of social farming services and programs.

Какви са факторите за успех при решаването на проблема?

Since we are the beginning of the thre year project,we will be able to measure the success of the project by the following factors:

  • Establishment of best practice examples.
  • Optimisation of the GreenCare training course.
  • Developed quality criteria for subsequent certification of the farms.
  • Network of offering farms.
  • Established advisory structure in Schleswig-Holstein.
  • Visibility of the offering farms for the enquirersside.

Неочакван провал, Ако някой

At the moment,the project has not experienced any failures.


Since the start of the project, it has become increasingly clear how versatile and attractive the opportunities that social farming offers are and how high the demand for these offers is.We have come to realise that starting this project was so important as it nails on exactly what the community wants as a whole not necessarily on the part of farmers or people with dis abilities.

Instant communication and information delivery to all actors has also been realised to be important for the team to stay focused on project aims and objectives.

Actors wanting to know more is a very strong driving factor towards the ahievement of project goals and for the sustainability thereaftervthe end of the project.

Involving people with common goals towards the growth and development of a society is very key to the smooth running of activities and willingness to work without being reminded of the main objective of the project.

Каква роля играе съветникът или консултативната служба в практическия случай

The advisors are responsible for conducting research and giving guidlines on solutions to problems that could arise during the project. They are also expected to give amicable directions and way forward for project activities and ensuring that all actors are fully involved in the project.

Може ли вашият подход да бъде прехвърлен и/или адаптиран за други иновационни предизвикателства и региони?


За споделяне на опит от добрата практика, please contact Maria Nielsen (електронна поща: mnielsen@lksh.de)


All actors posing for a picture after a seminar. It shows the logo of the GreenCare project,pinned on the office wall from outside.

Those are the hands of the farmer and the poultry advisor holding a chick after the examination of their stable.