Какво беше предизвикателството/проблемът, на който беше обърнато внимание?

In Spain we find ourselves with a serious delay in the capacity of the different agents of the forestry sector to apply and internalize innovations, if not even good practices that have been technically accepted for a long time.

Как решихте проблема?

To face this challenge, what we have called a Networked Forest Management Support System is being designed in the form of a: “Service”, functioning under an autonomous approach.

Какви са факторите за успех при решаването на проблема?

1- Massive participation

2- Public bodies involvement and participation

3- Wide media coverage actions

4 Synergies build up

5.- Multi-parties involvement

Неочакван провал, Ако някой.

1- Lack of involvement from public bodies in so many scenarios. This happened to be a handicap as it undermine daily teams work.


1- Special care must be taken on public involvement as they can improve and reinforce results in so many ways.

2 Sociological support was lacking and rural communities required an specialised support due to their reluctantness and distrust to new methods or proposals.

Каква роля играе съветникът или консултативната служба в практическия случай?

In our case, in which we have wanted to design an innovative, autonomous, self-governing and self-financed advisory service, the role of the technical advisors rests in the core of the project.

Може ли вашият подход да бъде прехвърлен и/или адаптиран за други иновационни предизвикателства и региони?


Приблизителна възможност за прехвърляне в скала от 1 да се 5
(където 1 е лесно и 5 много трудно)


За споделяне на опит on the good practice, please contact Jesús Martínez Ben (jesus.martinez@fmc-galicia.com)