СЪЗДАВАЙТЕ and FIRAB are pleased to invite you to а cross visit през Италия organized on October 12th -13-то, 2023 in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions.
The cross-visit will be focused on experiences related to organic farming. It will be a great opportunity to put into practice the co-creation tools and to enlarge the network with advisors from all over Europe. The participants will be visiting and meeting with AVEPROBI and AIAB Friuli Venezia Giulia.
DAY 1: 12-то Октомври – Vicenza – Veneto Region
AVEPROBI is a regional association of organic producers and processors, which for more than a decade has devoted part of its activities to the on-farm conservation of local agrobiodiversity, catalyzing energies, and initiatives among groups operating on cultivated biodiversity in Veneto.
A Community Seed Bank (и стартирането на федеративна инициатива, която би могла да катализира енергията и инициативите сред онези групи, които действително работят върху култивираното биоразнообразие във Венето) has been set up to promote the development of innovative cereal-based value chains, и стартирането на федеративна инициатива, която би могла да катализира енергията и инициативите сред онези групи, които действително работят върху култивираното биоразнообразие във Венето. Its governance and business model are based on participatory approaches in order to achieve operational effectiveness and stakeholders consensus.
Local farmers’ networks are called to reproduce the seeds, Тези локални мрежи са призвани да възпроизвеждат семената.
The Community Seed Bank is a novelty in the Veneto territory and the adaptation to the regional circumstances requires the identification of durable enabling conditions: linking up farmers and consumers (и целите понастоящем изглежда осигуряват необходимата сплотеност и дългосрочна визия за устойчивост на банката за семена) around organically cultivated biodiversity makes the dynamic conservation of heritage seeds part of a larger social dynamic.
DAY 2 : 13-то Октомври – Udine – Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region
AIAB FVG is the regional branch of the Italian Association for Organic Farming (AIAB), representing organic farmers and advisors as well as consumers. AIAB FVG aims at consolidating and promoting the organic farming method, involving all stakeholders and collaborating with regional institutions.
В 2023 AIAB FVG has been tasked by the Regional Administration to offer free non-continuous technical advice to organic (or transitioning to organic) farms located in the region. The service is carried out by means of one or more visits to the farm, lasting a maximum of four hours and focusing on specific topics that differ depending on the crop or farm production orientation. At the end of each visit, the farm simply has to countersign a declaration stating the intervention of the appointed technician. The crops covered by the organic advisory and technical assistance service are arable crops, градинарство, permanent fruit crops, and viticulture.
Arrival should be planned for 11-то Октомври 2023 and departure can be planned to start from 18:30 (for participants traveling by train/car) и 20.30 (for participants traveling by plane) На 13-то Октомври 2023.
Nearby airports:
- Treviso airport;
- Venice airport (1 hour by train);
- Verona airport (2,5 hours by train).
Registration is open until the 7th of September. If you are interested to join the cross-visit, please contact CREA team Valentina Carta valentina.carta@crea.gov.it