Следващият клас за отлични постижения ще се проведе през февруари 27 и 28 2023 в Талин, Естония.

Сложните предизвикателства в селското и горското стопанство налагат нови подходи към съветниците. за които липсва обучение и професионализация, even when an advisor recognizes the importance of interaction innovation and knows how to realise successful interactive innovation projects, it needs an enabling environment, i.e., the backup of his or her organisation. The managers in advisory organisations are important actors in the enabling environment. Следователно, i2connect offers a two days Excellence Class meeting including

• Human resource aspects, i.e., the skills and competences that their advisors need for interactive innovation

• Organisational aspects, i.e., the consequences of interactive innovation for the work organization, and • financial aspects, i.e., the impact that interactive innovation will have on the organisation’s business model and continuity.

• Financial aspects, i.e., the impact that interactive innovation will have on the organisation’s business model and continuity.

продукти, if you’re interested in joining the excellent class, please follow this link and you will find all the information. We hope to see you soon!