Was war die Herausforderung/das Problem, das angegangen wurde?? Why is it important for partnership to solve the problem?
How to organise a conference which would represent the island of Ireland even though there are 2 separate countries within the island
Wie hast du das Problem gelöst? (Oder wenn Ihr Praxisfall noch in Bearbeitung ist, wie lösen Sie das Problem?)
Communicated very early with the Department of Agriculture Staff from Northern Ireland to ensure cooperation from them and an full understanding of the purpose and aims of the conference
Was ist in Ihrem Praxisfall innovativ? (z.B. technische Innovation, neue Produkte oder Dienstleistungen, market
Innovationen, soziale/organisatorische Innovationen etc.)
Due to the distance involved all organising meetings took place over zoom
Was sind Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Lösung des Problems??
Set ground rules early and stick to the agreed timetable.
Gewonnene Erkenntnisse.
Ensure the chairperson of each section is good on computer technology.
Welche Rolle spielt der Berater bzw. die Beratungsstelle in Ihrem Praxisfall?
There were 4 main themes to the conference with a member of the advisory team in Mayo presenting/faciliting on each theme.
Für den Austausch der Erfahrungen mit der guten Praxis, Für alle Fragen und Anfragen zu den kommenden Excellence-Klassen
Hazel Scott,