Welche Herausforderung/Problem wurde angesprochen??

SupportingLes 2 vaches” (a private dairy company) who wants to extend its organic collection in Normandy (North West France)

Wie hast du das Problem gelöst?

Create technical and economical references

Developp expertise on different thematics : food autonomy, soil, Klimawandel…

Communicate references and expertise to a wide range of actors : Landwirte, vets, agricultural teachers, zu machen.… and with different methods, techniques, especially open field days.

Open access to all the references, regardless of the dairy to which the farmer belongs


Was ist in Ihrem Praxisfall innovativ?

Bringing together a wide range of stakeholders over a large area, which are sometimes concurrents, over several years (since 2010), to fulfill a common goal: the development of the organic ecosystem in Normandy

Was sind die Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Lösung des Problems?

Multiactor process, with open data and trials on commercial farms. Many farmers can relate to the experiences.

The diversity of actions adapted to a diversity of targets.

A long-term program that is now well known, drived by economic actors (Danone, Les 2 vaches, Triballat) that contributes economical support and constant common and objective values.


Gewonnene Erkenntnisse

Multiactor dynamic is favorable and facilitates involvement of actors

Propose concrete and reproductible demonstrations to farmers to foster peer to peer learning and change of practices


Welche Rolle spielt der Berater bzw. die Beratungsdienstleistung im Praxisfall??

Idele is responsible for the overall coordination of the programme, bringing together the partners, organising meetings and dissemination activities, providing technical expertise on organic farming, and setting up projects to ensure financial sustainability.

Idele supports Danone and coordinate the technical program. Facilitation of all the actors involved in the program who have complementary skills and competencies


Kann Ihr Ansatz auf andere Innovationsherausforderungen und -regionen übertragen und/oder angepasst werden??


Geschätzte Übertragbarkeit auf einer Skala von 1 zu 5

(wo 1 ist einfach und 5 sehr schwierig)



Für den Austausch der Erfahrungen mit der guten Praxis, Für alle Fragen und Anfragen zu den kommenden Excellence-Klassen

Delphine Neumeister


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