Was war die Herausforderung/das angegangene Problem??

Fertilizers used in agriculture in our time are becoming more and more expensive. Bio-based fertilisers are also becoming more expensive and more difficult to access on the market. For this reason, alternatives are being sought locally. One of the alternatives is sapropel, which is relatively easily available in our country.

Wie hast du das Problem gelöst?

The project aim is to study and develop of energy effective and economically justified sapropel production (dehydration) technologies in Latvia’s conditions, and to assess application suitability of sapropel, as a biologically active additive and soil fertilization product, in agriculture. To achieve the project aims, the following activities are planned: Development of sapropel dehydration method; The studying of sapropel as a biological fertilizer and soil substrate product; The studying of sapropel as a biologically active feed additive in animal production. The project theme is focusing on the study of the use of a completely new technology in sapropel production (dehydration) in Latvia’s conditions, and the use of the new sapropel product in such an important sector of the national economy as agriculture, in the sector of primary production that will further be offered for the use in industrial production

Was ist in Ihrem Praxisfall innovativ?

Development of sapropel dehydration method is the innovation in this project. As well there are still ongoing studying of sapropel as a organic active feed additive in animal production.

Was sind die Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Lösung des Problems?

Kommunikation, knowledge transfer, mutual cooperation between all parties involved.

Unerwarteter Fehler, wenn überhaupt

Still ongoing process to see how project will adapt in practice

Gewonnene Erkenntnisse

Projects of this type are voluminous and involve a lot of information. Sometimes the implementation and implementation of such projects in practice takes longer

Welche Rolle spielt der Berater bzw. die Beratungsstelle im Praxisfall

Der Berater beteiligte sich im Rahmen von Büroberatungen häufig an der Kommunikation mit Kunden, Besuche auf dem Bauernhof, Anrufe, sowie die Teilnahme an Vorträgen und Schulungsveranstaltungen. Wissenstransfer.

Kann Ihr Ansatz auf andere Innovationsherausforderungen und -regionen übertragen und/oder angepasst werden??


Für den Austausch der Erfahrungen mit der guten Praxis, please contact Edgars Dzelme (Email: edgars.dzelme@llkc.lv, Telefon: +371 20060859)
