Ποια ήταν η πρόκληση/πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίστηκε?

The development of Natura-2000-areas in Northrhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany shows mostly negative tendencies, espically for lowland regions. This is particularly true for bird species in the agricultural landscape. The decline in insect fauna, which is the main source of food for agricultural birds, may be a major contributory factor.

At around 50,000 ha, the Hellwegbörde is the largest of 28 EU bird reserve in NRW. It is home to numerous Annex I species of the EU Birds Directive with a declining population trend. Σχετικά με 95 % of the area is farmed by about 1,500 αγροκτήματα. The integration of biodiversity-promoting measures into management is therefore a prerequisite for achieving the conservation goals. The state relies on cooperative solutionsbut is obliged to take regulatory measures if they fail.

The bird conservation action plan Hellwegbörde describes the conservation objectives and needs for action for the bird reserve. It proposes a wide range of habitat improvement measures and points out the key role of measures to promote insects in the agricultural sector. Ωστόσο, the offers made so far have only been accepted to a limited extent by farmers due to insufficient practicability.

Farmers are looking for solutions that both enable the conservation goals to be achieved and are compatible with the requirements for land use in the area of the main crops grown: winter cereals, maize, sugar beet and winter oilseed rape. The solution sought should enable effective promotion of insect and avifauna and thus an increase in biodiversity in the bird reserve, while at the same time fulfilling the conditions for greater acceptance of biodiversity-promoting measures by agriculture.

The development and testing of an integrated approach in this sense requires close and coordinated cooperation between nature conservation and agriculture.


Πώς λύσατε το πρόβλημα?

First we developed a strategy for the integration of insect-promoting measures into arable farming systems, combining agricultural and nature conservation aspects by analysing other projects, studies and measures offered from CAP, π.χ. Greening, agri-environment measures or nature conservation contract, and modifiying if necessary. So we created an implementation concept based on the developed strategy with biodiversity-promoting measures in agriculture. In all cases we discussed about it in project-accompanying working group with all regional important stakeholders from agriculture and nature conservation. An advisor located at the Chamber of Agriculture NRW advised 231 farmers in the region in nearly 3 χρόνια. Another important case was the close exchange between biological stations, lower nature conservation authorities and the advisor. The Biological Stations accompanied the advices in terms of nature conservation and carried out a entomological and ornithological monitoring in selected areas to evaluate the developed strategy and derivate recommendations for the transfer of the results to other arable landscapes inside and outside protected areas.

Αυτό που είναι καινοτόμο στην πρακτική σας περίπτωση?

The special feature of the project is its holistic approach. The Chamber of Agriculture is known to farmers as an advisory organization and contact. In the project, stakeholders from nature conservation and agriculture work together at the same time. The advisor serves here as a central interface and mediator between the interests. It is advantageous that the measures offered in NRW for agricultural enterprises are already very diverse and that preliminary work has already been done for the region. The consultation takes place on the farms in close coordination and cooperation between the lower nature conservation authorities, the biological stations, the funding department and the advisory. This minimizes the risk of sanctions for farmers and ensures that suitable measures are found for the farm and nature conservation. The monitoring also provided insights at the landscape level and has been incorporated into the advice. The experience gained contributes to further development and new development of funding offers.

Ποιοι είναι οι παράγοντες επιτυχίας στην επίλυση του προβλήματος?

An important basic condition is the desire to achieve mutual understanding. Επί πλέον, it is the trust between each other and a cooperation at eye level. The cooperation in the operational group of the EIP project also contributed to the exchange in the higher level of the organisations. It was also advantageous in the specific project that the advisor was already known by farmers in the region. A frequent obstacle for the farmers is that it is difficult to apply for the measures. Εδώ, the advisor was able to help with his expertise. Επιπλέον, there was the detailed knowledge of the various possible combinations of measures and its influence on animal and plant species.


Many things have been learned! The majority of farmers are very open to promoting biodiversity. Ωστόσο, it is difficult to keep an overview and find out which measures are best suited to which target species on one’s own land and what fits best into the farm’s routine. The advice for biodiversity and the cooperation between nature conservation and agriculture seems to the best way reduce obstacles.The external conditions, such as the CAP or the Ukraine war, lead to a temporary decline in the farmersreadiness. It also takes time to build up trust. Especially in the high-yield regions of theHellwegbörde”, the foundation has been laid, but so far the measures and objectives of bird protection have not yet been achieved, as the measures cannot easily be integrated into the crop rotation with intensive crops. The analysis of the support measures offered and the monitoring showed that many measures are effective and we are already well on the way to achieving the goals cooperatively. Some suggestions for improving the measures have already been implemented in the new CAP.

Ποιος είναι ο ρόλος του συμβούλου ή της συμβουλευτικής υπηρεσίας με την πρακτική περίπτωση?

The advisor is the linchpin. He is the central confidant for all parties involved. It is a prerequisite that the advisor knows the agricultural practice and has a certain knowledge of the animal and plant species. He also learns about the conservation objectives through cooperation with nature conservation. Communication skills are important, as the advisor has to mediate between different interests and take the initiative in developing projects, organising events and exchanges. The aim is to analyse the farm areas and the possibilities of the farm on the basis of the target species that occur and to communicate the nature conservation objectives. This is done in consultation with the biological stations and lower nature conservation authorities. Επί πλέον, the aim is to communicate the need for action on the part of agriculture and to raise awareness of the animal and plant species. Possible measures that fit into the farm’s operations and nature conservation goals are presented to the farmer and the farm is supported in applying for and implementing them. Επιπλέον, knowledge is imparted through lectures and events and other farms are approached.

Μπορεί η προσέγγισή σας να μεταφερθεί ή/και να προσαρμοστεί για άλλες προκλήσεις και περιοχές καινοτομίας?


Εκτιμώμενη δυνατότητα μεταφοράς σε κλίμακα από 1 ΜΕΤΑ ΜΕΣΗΜΒΡΙΑΣ 5

(όπου 1 είναι εύκολο και 5 πολύ δύσκολο)



Για την ανταλλαγή εμπειριών σχετικά με την καλή πρακτική, παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε

Peter Gräßler


Σύνδεσμος με εξωτερικές πληροφορίες

Project page: Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο://www.landwirtschaftskammer.de/landwirtschaft/naturschutz/beratungbiodiversitaet/hellweg-boerde.htm

Page of biodiversity advice of the chamber of agriculture in whole Northrhine-Westphalia: Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο://www.landwirtschaftskammer.de/landwir