¿Cuál fue el desafío/problema abordado??

Alrededor 2008 the collapse of prices in the olive oil and citrus markets made olive and citrus growers in Chania to focus to a relatively new crop in Crete. The cultivation of avocado had introduced in 1970s but its adoption had been marginal since most growers were reluctant to abandon traditional and profitable cultivations order to adopt a new one, the demand of which was low. Sin embargo, en 2008 this situation changed, triggering an explosion in the demand for healthy propagation material of avocado varieties that were well-adapted locally and high marketable. Desde entonces, estimations refer to a rapid expansion of cultivated with avocado areas even in marginal areas.

¿Cómo resolviste el problema??

Successful avocado production requires careful selection of the location to establish the plantation: certain types of microclimates, soils, and high-quality irrigation water. It also requires specific growing methods (planting, irrigation, pruning, protection of bark from sunburn etc), which depend on the cultivar used. agricultores, the establishment of the new crop required the creation of a production and marketing chain that would take advantage of the opportunities offered by the global markets to ensure higher prices and income for growers. Growers were actively seeking for advice and guidance, which challenged the ability of the established AKIS actors to successfully meet these demands. This weakness owes to the degradation and eventually the abolition of the public extension service, leading to the current weak and fragmented AKIS in the country. Under such circumstances, the growers participated in informal networks within which they exchanged knowledge and practices based on their experimentation. In parallel, advisors who are also cultivators created informal networks and information provision/ training opportunities for interested farmers.

¿Qué es innovador en su caso práctico??

It is a technical, market and social / organizational innovation since the introduction of the new crop implies novel technical and managerial knowledge and practices as described above and, in parallel, the construction of networks providing access to such new knowledge/practices and markets. The Social/organizational aspect of the innovation concerns a) the creation of informal farmers’ networks, segundo) the emergence and critical role of hybrid actors (that is agronomists who were avocado growers themselves) and c) informal stakeholders’ networks.

¿Cuáles son los factores de éxito para resolver el problema??

Two important factors can be distinguished: Primero, avocado growers were involved in peer-to -peer exchanges largely based on their own on-farm experimentation. Segundo, a small number of pioneering agronomists (employed in both the public and private sectors), who were avocado growers themselves, played a critical role in organizing formal (p.ej. cooperativas) and informal networks and events to support avocado cultivators.

Lecciones aprendidas

Peer-to- peer exchanges among farmers is a valuable tool for new knowledge and best practices dissemination. Sin embargo, relying only on farmers’ experimentation/ experiential knowledge may not be enough, especially in cases of totally new crops. Por lo tanto, building active networks including various stakeholders, especially independent advisors and researchers, in all stages of an innovation process, is a critical factor in avoiding (extensive) crop failures.

¿Qué papel juega el asesor o servicio de asesoramiento con el caso práctico??

Hybrid actors (agronomists – avocado cultivators), coming from both the public and private sectors, were active in a) organic farming coop which assists avocado producers, segundo) informal networking with farmers, C) organising informal events (mainly lectures) to familiarize farmers with aspects of the avocado cultivation and d) informal networking (lobbying) at the local and regional authorities to support avocado growers.

Hybrid actors were the most respected sources of knowledge who nevertheless act beyond their official duties and, given the lack of research and data, were not able to cover diverse farmers’ needs.


¿Puede su enfoque ser transferido y / o adaptado para otros desafíos de innovación y regiones??

Transferibilidad estimada en una escala de 1 Perspectivas de la formación organizada en Hungría sobre el tema de la innovación interactiva y la creación de redes 5

(dónde 1 es fácil y 5 muy dificil)



Por compartir la experiencia sobre la buena práctica., Para cualquier duda y consulta sobre las próximas clases de excelencia

Eleni Zarokosta


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