¿Cuál fue el desafío/problema abordado??

The region and the department have launched an initiative to promote local sourcing in school canteens, rather than importing products, with the aim of supporting local agricultural development. This approach benefits the community by boosting the local economy and reducing dependence on imports. For farmers, the procurement platform offers several advantages. It allows them to sell large volumes of products (15 million meals per year), providing a significant market for their production. Adicionalmente, logistics are simplified as the platform collects products directly from farmers, avoiding trips to Rungis (main wholesale market). Contracts with public markets are secured for periods ranging from 1 Perspectivas de la formación organizada en Hungría sobre el tema de la innovación interactiva y la creación de redes 4 años, providing some stability to participating farmers.

¿Cómo resolviste el problema??

Initially launched by a department, a project aiming to promote local sourcing for school canteens was expanded after involving the region. Several studies were conducted successively to assess the feasibility, profitability, and sizing of the project, as well as to identify potential productions suitable for the Île-de-France region and adjust public markets accordingly, in collaboration with agricultural chambers and taking into account feedback from farmers. The process also involved building the procurement platform and issuing corresponding public contracts. Farmers were trained by agricultural chambers to answer to public markets. At this stage, the focus is on implementing the project, particularly by finalizing the construction of the platform and transitioning to local production and distribution for school canteens.

¿Qué es innovador en su caso práctico??

The innovation of this project mainly lies in its structure and institutional commitment. Typically, vegetable processing facilities are not part of the public sector, but in this case, a Public Local Company (SPL) was established to manage the platform, with the region and the department as the main shareholders. What is innovative is the significant institutional commitment of the region and the department to collective catering, taking control of this competence. agricultores, the project involves setting up tools capable of managing large volumes (15 million meals per year, con 110 delivery points), which is generally the domain of wholesalers. En resumen, the innovation lies in creating a public structure to manage the platform, as well as in the strong commitment of regional and departmental institutions to large-scale collective catering.

¿Cuáles son los factores de éxito para resolver el problema??

Producers who responded to the tenders managed to obtain public contracts, demonstrating the effectiveness of the training provided. A key success factor was also the ability to find producers capable of meeting the requirements of public contracts. This underscores the importance of identifying and selecting suitable producers to ensure the smooth operation of the project.

Lecciones aprendidas

The collaboration between project shareholders and agricultural chambers enabled the integration of essential agricultural perspectives into the project. This involvement facilitated a better definition of specifications and an adaptation of tender evaluation criteria, taking into account farmersviewpoints. The contribution of agricultural chambers was crucial to ensure that tender processes and criteria better reflected farmersneeds and realities.

¿Qué papel juega el asesor o servicio de asesoramiento con el caso práctico??

Agricultural chambers played a crucial role in several aspects of the project:

  • Contributing to the definition of lots in public tenders based on local productions, which helped better meet the region’s specific needs.
  • Training farmers to help them meet the requirements of public tenders, providing them with the necessary skills to effectively participate in the process.
  • Identifying local farmers, assessing their production volumes, and considering production seasons, which facilitated sourcing local products for public tenders.
  • Diagnosing agricultural productions to determine which ones were most relevant to integrate into the project, based on local needs and constraints.

En resumen, agricultural chambers acted as an essential link between farmers, así como son diferentes sus instituciones, and the project as a whole, contributing to its success.


¿Puede su enfoque ser transferido y / o adaptado para otros desafíos de innovación y regiones??

Transferibilidad estimada en una escala de 1 Perspectivas de la formación organizada en Hungría sobre el tema de la innovación interactiva y la creación de redes 5

(dónde 1 es fácil y 5 muy dificil)



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