¿Cuál fue el desafío/problema abordado??

The RumiWatch System (RWS), built in a cow halter, uses data gathered by a pressure sensor in combination with data collected by a triaxial accelerometer in order to detect different behavioral characteristics in dairy cows. Behavioral characteristics recorded by the RWS are bolus counts, chews per bolus, number of eating and mastication chews, prehension bites, number of rumination chews, and derived durations such as rumination time, prehension time, and eating time. Por lo tanto, RWS is used extensively in experiments with barn-fed and grazing dairy cows. By aid of the RWS it is possible to estimate herbage dry matter intake of grazing dairy cows or to detect weak points in the feeding management.

¿Cuáles son los factores de éxito para resolver el problema??

The acceptance by the participating farmers;

The functioning of the technical devices

¿Cuáles fueron los principales desafíos durante el proceso de innovación??

The technical know how;

The motivation of the consultans to participate in the project

¿Qué papel juega el asesor o servicio de asesoramiento con el caso práctico??

Conciencia de conocimiento e intercambio, Capacity building, aimed at increasing innovation actors’ capacities in order to play their roles in the innovation process

Para compartir experiencia del caso práctico, Para cualquier duda y consulta sobre las próximas clases de excelencia

Markus Rombach, Dr. AGRIDEA & Marc Boessinger, AGRIDEA

markus.rombach@agridea.ch; teléfono +41 (0)52 354 97 52; marc.boessinger@agridea.ch