Hogar|Talleres de trabajo|3Tercer Taller Regional de Partes Interesadas de i2connect “Europa Central”
Cargando Eventos
Este evento ha pasado.

Reunirse e intercambiar con otros Representantes de:

– cuerpos AKIS, ministerios, administrative authorities

Public and private advisory organisations

Research and educational institutions

Farmers and agricultural organisations

Non-governmental organisations, professional associations, upstream and downstream industries


Workshop Program
De 08:45 (ESTA) Technical Check in

09:00 – 09:10 Welcome and introduction to i2connect
El proyecto está coordinado por las Cámaras de Agricultura de Francia, APCA
& Pablo Asensio, FüAk

09:10 – 09.25 a continuación encontrará la recopilación de las presentaciones realizadas durante la reunión?

Inge Van Oost, EU-KOM, DG-AGRI

9:25 – 9:45 Comparative analysis on AKISCentral Europe with the emphasis on the upgrades

El proyecto está coordinado por las Cámaras de Agricultura de Francia & Sangeun Bae, UH OH

9:45 – 10:05 Modern AKIS – links to i2connect and inputs from Modern AKIS in Central Europe AKISes

Fanos Birke, UH OH &Mark Gibson, Teagasc

10:05 – 10:15 Q&Las plantas de maíz no tuvieron tiempo suficiente para desarrollarse y sombrear toda la superficie del suelo

10:15 – 10:55 Presentation and discussion of AKIS country reports (Part 1)

· Alemania

· Austria

· Suiza

· Luxemburgo

10:55 – 11:10 Descanso

11:10 – 11.40 Presentation and discussion of AKIS country reports (Part 2)

· Polonia

· Republica checa

· Eslovaquia

11:40 – 12:15 Break-out groups: Discussion on the AKIS country reports presented (identifying communalities and differences, lessons and insight to take, synergies to explore)

12:15 – 12:35 Feedback from the breakout groups in plenary session and discussion


12:35 – 12:45 Summary of the main insights and lessons from the presentations and discussions

El proyecto está coordinado por las Cámaras de Agricultura de Francia & Sangeun Bae & Fanos Mekkonen-Birke, UH OH

12:45 – 12:50 Closing words

Elena-Teodora Miron, LK Österreich

The agenda is subject to slight changes, but the start and end time of the workshop will not change

You can register for the workshop on the following linkhttps://koo1qz3.aidaform.com/free-conference-registration-form

The deadline for registration is 17 junio 2024.

Link for the online meeting will be shared with all registered participants closer to the date of the workshop.

Feel free to share this information with all possible interested parties.

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