Mikä oli haaste/ongelma, johon puututtiin?

The objective of the Digitalization Observatory of the agri-food sector is to collect information that allows evaluating the degree of penetration and adoption of new technologies in the agri-food sector, both at the subsector and territorial level, throughout the entire value chain, so that can monitor the development and effective promotion of the associated technological business ecosystem, identify good practices and draw conclusions that support decision-making and the guidance of public policies regarding digital transformation.

Miten ratkaisit ongelman?

With a first diagnostic study of the starting situation of digitalization, which includes a catalog of the new digital technologies available, an overview of the European and global scenario of agri-food digitalization, opportunities and public aid mechanisms is given. available to interested agents to facilitate their digitalization, cybersecurity and governance and include examples of model technological observatories.

The second is a study, based on 3,625 surveys carried out to know the degree of implementation of digital technologies in agricultural farms and agri-food industries in Spain.

Mikä on innovatiivista käytännön tapauksessa?


Provide a diagnosis and analysis of the starting situation of the agri-food sector in terms of digitalization.

Carry out an analysis of the current state of digitalization of the Spanish agri-food sector through surveys.

Mitkä ovat menestystekijät ongelman ratkaisemisessa?


The data obtained generates very valuable information that will be very useful for decision making and advice on digitalization.


Preferences for training in digitalization of professionals in the sector.

How professionals access innovative content.

Favorite themes.

The state of digital skills in the agricultural sector.

Mikä rooli neuvonantajalla tai neuvontapalvelulla on käytännön tapauksessa??

The observatory observes that the preferred option for advising stakeholders is their cooperative or input supply center (27.7%), followed in importance of public institutions (17.7%) and private technicians (16.6%).

Voidaanko lähestymistapasi siirtää ja/tai mukauttaa muihin innovaatiohaasteisiin ja -alueisiin?


Arvioitu siirrettävyys asteikolla alkaen 1 kohtaan 5

(missä 1 on helppoa ja 5 hyvin vaikea)



Kokemusten jakamisesta hyvistä käytännöistä, ota yhteyttä

Inés Isabel la Moneda


Linkki ulkoisiin tietoihin


