Mikä oli haaste/ongelma, johon puututtiin?

The challenge at hand involves managing urban waste and reducing the use of nitrogen fertilizers in the context of urban development on the Saclay plateau. One proposed solution is the use of urine as a fertilizing material. kuitenkin, it is crucial to evaluate both its effectiveness as a fertilizer and the potential risks associated with organic micro-pollutants, such as drug residues. A thorough analysis of these aspects is essential to ensure the safe and sustainable use of urine as a fertilizing resource.


Miten ratkaisit ongelman?

The project involves testing the use of urine as a fertilizer. This urine comes from a building under construction on the Saclay plateau, designed from the outset to allow for urine recovery. Given its low concentration, it is necessary to rethink the type of spreading equipment to be used. Tests are conducted at two farms, and the results are discussed during feedback meetings.

Mikä on innovatiivista käytännön tapauksessa?

The innovation lies in the innovative use of urine as a fertilizer, supported by several years of expertise in the field. This concept invites a rethink of urban organization and resource use in a sustainable and innovative way.


Mitkä ovat menestystekijät ongelman ratkaisemisessa?

It is crucial to involve and communicate effectively, especially on politically sensitive topics, both with farmers and the general public. This involves establishing contact with elected officials and implementing clear and transparent communication. Particularly on delicate projects, adequate communication is essential to ensure understanding and support from all parties involved.



It is essential to carefully document the project to facilitate its management, especially when it involves many partners from different fields. This ensures a better understanding of the project and facilitates its subsequent management. Lisäksi, it is important to inform in advance about the specific issues in each sector to promote mutual understanding.

Communication is also crucial for managing trials based on weather conditions and explaining any delays. Appropriate tools should be used to explain these aspects, so that all partners remain informed and engaged in the project despite unforeseen circumstances.


Mikä rooli neuvonantajalla tai neuvontapalvelulla on käytännön tapauksessa??

The main role involves providing technical expertise on the experimental part of the project, including protocol development, experiment monitoring, and collaboration with farmers. This technical expertise is essential to ensure the relevance and rigor of the trials.

LED-valotesti tomaattilasitalon talvituotannossa, regular communication on these trials is important to inform members and other stakeholders. This communication helps maintain their commitment and share the results and lessons learned from the experiments conducted.

Lisäksi, access to farmers is crucial. By acting as a reference, this provides additional credibility to the project in the eyes of farmers, thus facilitating their involvement and collaboration.

Lopuksi, sorting out the most relevant innovations is a key step in the process. This allows for the selection of the most promising solutions tailored to the needs of farmers, thus ensuring the effectiveness and added value of the project in agricultural practice.


Voidaanko lähestymistapasi siirtää ja/tai mukauttaa muihin innovaatiohaasteisiin ja -alueisiin?


Arvioitu siirrettävyys asteikolla alkaen 1 kohtaan 5

(missä 1 on helppoa ja 5 hyvin vaikea)



Kokemusten jakamisesta hyvistä käytännöistä, ota yhteyttä

Marie Boulard + Christophe Dion + Mathilde Fontaine + Agathe Darret

marie.boulard@idf.chambagri.fr // mathilde.fontaine@idf.chambagri.fr // christophe.dion@idf.chambagri.fr // agathe.darret@apca.chambagri.fr