Mikä oli haaste/ongelma, johon puututtiin?
The innovation of the project lies in identifying, assessing and providing answers to key questions to increase the performance, efficiency and profitability of livestock farms.
to increase the performance, efficiency and profitability of livestock farms.
The project will achieve a significant improvement and control of animal fertility at farm level.
Miten ratkaisit ongelman?
An ANI (regional beef breed) Heifer Breeding Programme has been developed and genetic tools have been created to enable ANI breeders to select animals by fertility parameters.
ANI breeders to select animals by fertility parameters.
Mikä on innovatiivista käytännön tapauksessa?
New production tool for ANI cattle that can be extrapolated to other extensive farms
Mitkä ovat menestystekijät ongelman ratkaisemisessa?
improve the productive life of ANI suckler cows in order to reduce the replacement rate of herds and increase the number of calvings during their productive life.
and increase the number of calvings during the productive life of the herd.
monitoring farms is very important, the collection of data to analyse how the farm is doing is fundamental.
is fundamental, technology has to be applied to extensive farming: artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence
Mikä rooli neuvonantajalla tai neuvontapalvelulla on käytännön tapauksessa??
the advisor is the one who brings all the actors together and involves them in the project, organising the project and being involved in all activities. he/she brings knowledge and experience
Voidaanko lähestymistapasi siirtää ja/tai mukauttaa muihin innovaatiohaasteisiin ja -alueisiin?
Arvioitu siirrettävyys asteikolla alkaen 1 kohtaan 5
(missä 1 on helppoa ja 5 hyvin vaikea)
Kokemusten jakamisesta hyvistä käytännöistä, ota yhteyttä
Javier Lopez Cordero
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