Mikä haaste/ongelma käsiteltiin?

This case addresses the appropriation of new technologies for farmers in viticulture. We wanted to assess, in a very practical way, with the contribution and feedback of the winegrowers, the benefits of technologies like intra-parcel mapping, robotics, or tractor guidance.

Miten ratkaisit ongelman?

We have organized several workshops with robot manufacturers, drone pilots, and GPS providers for the tractor. During these events, winegrowers could see field demonstrations and ask questions directly to precision farming technology providers. They could even experience themselves and test the automatic drive along the vine row.
Robotics, infra-plot precision mapping and automatic guidance are technologies that are not yet largely adopted by winegrowers. Niin, there is a need to show how they work and how the farmer can use them in a very practical way.

Mitkä ovat menestystekijät ongelman ratkaisemisessa?

These technologies have to be accessible price-wise, and easy to use for the farmer.

Odottamaton epäonnistuminen, jos mitään

It is a challenge to keep the farmers interested, active, and participative during the whole duration of the project as they have their own constraints on the farm, and their availability is very dependable on weather conditions.


Keep it simple, and show the practice side of technologies (on-field demonstrations are good media). The last demonstration gathered 70 participants (mostly farmers, and also 15 neuvonantajat).

Mikä rooli neuvonantajalla tai neuvontapalvelulla on käytännön tapauksessa?

Several different advisory organisations were implicated: some organised the demonstrations and workshops, and some participated as multipliers for other areas.

Voidaanko lähestymistapasi siirtää ja/tai mukauttaa muihin innovaatiohaasteisiin ja -alueisiin?


Arvioitu siirrettävyys asteikolla alkaen 1 kohtaan 5
(missä 1 on helppoa ja 5 hyvin vaikea)


Kokemuksen jakamiseksi hyvästä käytännöstä, please contact Christophe Gaviglio (Christophe.Gaviglio[klo]vignevin.com)
