Quel a été le défi/problème abordé?
Netherlands and Europe are excessively reliant on the import of plant-based protein sources, such as soy, from outside the EU and the Netherlands. In an effort to foster a more diverse range of plant-based protein cultivation, the National Protein Strategy outlines the goal of cultivating 100,000 hectares with protein-rich crops by 2030, a fivefold increase from the current situation. Growers in Gelderland are eager to further develop the cultivation of lupine for human consumption.
Comment as-tu résolu le problème?
The project aims to strengthen lupine cultivation for human consumption by aligning demand and supply and creating added value. The focus is on organic and biodynamic cultivation methods. The key objectives include:
Chain and Product Development: Establish at least three innovative lupine product lines within the (short) supply chain. To achieve this, the project will maintain control over the supply chain to processors by investing in an in-house cleaning and polishing line, identified as essential in the initial exploratory phase. Ensuite, multidisciplinary teams involving farmers and chain partners will develop and market the three lupine product lines.
Knowledge and Experience Sharing: Engage a minimum of 12 participating organic and/or biodynamic agricultural entrepreneurs and chain partners in a working group to share experiences. The group includes farmers cultivating at least 3 hectares, with at least 50% of participants from Gelderland. Proving grounds will be set up at one location with this group to compare the best varieties and measures while fostering discussions on lupine. Some of these farmers will also participate in chain groups to develop and market lupine products.
All activities are geared towards developing sustainable, resilient earning and value models for farmers and involved (short) supply chain partners that contribute to the (local) economy, nature, et l'environnement.
Ce qui est innovant dans votre cas pratique?
See above
Quels sont les facteurs de succès pour résoudre le problème?
Big network of likeminded farmers in the region, urgency of the nitrogen challenge in the netherlands, the Dutch protein transition which gave us a mandate
Leçons apprises
Quel rôle joue le conseiller ou le service de conseil dans le cas pratique?
Mainly coordinated by farmers themselves but supported by small advisory organizations
Votre approche peut-elle être transférée et/ou adaptée à d'autres défis d'innovation et régions?
Transférabilité estimée sur une échelle de 1 pour 5
(où 1 est facile et 5 très difficile)
Le moment est critique pour mettre fin à la culture de couverture et la disponibilité de la sertisseuse à rouleaux peut représenter un goulot d'étranglement, Pour toutes questions et demandes de renseignements sur les prochaines classes d'excellence
Jurrian Nannes
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