Quel a été le défi/problème abordé?

The context of the operation results from the need to look for solutions to mitigate climate and environmental threats affecting agriculture, in particular with the deepening lack of water and depletion of soils in organic matter (soil mineralization). An agricultural water crisis is predicted to be imminent, more severe and broader than the current energy crisis.

Comment as-tu résolu le problème?

Restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity by promoting intercropping (one of the forms of agroforestry) with simultaneous soil activation, through the application of various types of biologically activated organic substances. en outre, the use of biopreparations and biostimulators for soil activation and plant protection.

Development and implementation of cultivation technology to minimize production risks in the first two years of cultivation of blueberries, autumn raspberries, vines, lavender and Scots pine, supporting the mitigation of climate and environmental threats.

Ce qui est innovant dans votre cas pratique?

A cet effet, row crops of autumn raspberries and blueberries were introduced (in the inter-rows of fruit trees) with additional strips of nectar and pollen-producing plants in the form of lavender.

This technology makes it possible to use the phenomenon of allelopathy and the positive impact of biodiversity to stimulate the natural resistance of the ecosystem, and the additional use of various types of biologically activated organic substances allows to increase the biological activity of soils and increase the content of humus in the soil.

These activities, combined with the use of biopreparations and biostimulators, allow for theneutralizationof the negative effects resulting from climate and environmental changes.

Quels sont les facteurs de succès pour résoudre le problème?

The operation promotes natural ways to increase the efficiency of agricultural production

while minimizing the negative effects of weather anomalies.

Technologies allowing for the restoration of biodiversity and the natural bioresistance of agroecosystems are indicated.

Leçons apprises

More international networking needed

Quel rôle joue le conseiller ou le service de conseil dans le cas pratique?

Dissemination, trainings organization, study visits preparation, regional networking.

Votre approche peut-elle être transférée et/ou adaptée à d'autres défis d'innovation et régions?


Transférabilité estimée sur une échelle de 1 pour 5

(où 1 est facile et 5 très difficile)



Le moment est critique pour mettre fin à la culture de couverture et la disponibilité de la sertisseuse à rouleaux peut représenter un goulot d'étranglement, Pour toutes questions et demandes de renseignements sur les prochaines classes d'excellence

Aleksander Bomberski


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