Quel a été le défi/problème abordé?

To find the best available place for cocreation and innovation too. A Digital Innovation Hub can act like an Innovation Support Service providing adequate solutions to the farmers.

La Vega Innova is a Spanish DIH that belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and it’s managed by Telefónica.

Comment as-tu résolu le problème?

Using Recovery, Transformation and Resilience funds, the old Agricultural Training Center has been transformed into la Vega Innova (a Spanish DIH) with FIWARE technology.


Ce qui est innovant dans votre cas pratique?

La Vega Innova will be at the heart of change in the agri-food sector. Not only do we encourage innovation, but we also provide the tools and support to make it happen. From our Agrolabs, where innovative agricultural solutions are incubated, to our Innovation Challenges, which push the boundaries of what is possible. We offer accelerator programmes for promising start-ups, specialist training for those who want to deepen their knowledge, and a community where collaboration and growth are at the heart of everything we do.

Quels sont les facteurs de succès pour résoudre le problème?

The iHub La Vega Innova is a complete ecosystem for AgriFoodTech startups and a showcase of technologies that accelerate the digital transformation of the agri-food sector, including its SMEs and professionals, so that no one is left behind. It offers a collaborative environment to develop and test technological solutions, hosting laboratories and pilot projects. It also provides training and dissemination, with an online platform for digital interaction and collaboration, reinforced by its physical headquarters in San Fernando de Henares.

Leçons apprises


It is a fundamental piece for the Spanish AKIS. La Vega Innova will generate many synergies with the other regional DIHs, being one of the most important nodes.

Quel rôle joue le conseiller ou le service de conseil dans le cas pratique?

Advisors play an essential role because they are the facilitators, the communicators and the liaison with the trainers. en outre, they help bring technology, digital tools and entrepreneurship closer together.

Votre approche peut-elle être transférée et/ou adaptée à d'autres défis d'innovation et régions?


Transférabilité estimée sur une échelle de 1 pour 5

(où 1 est facile et 5 très difficile)



Le moment est critique pour mettre fin à la culture de couverture et la disponibilité de la sertisseuse à rouleaux peut représenter un goulot d'étranglement, Pour toutes questions et demandes de renseignements sur les prochaines classes d'excellence

Diego Braojos


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