Quel a été le défi/problème abordé?

The problem was complying with article 10.4.d. of Royal Decree 1088/2015, of December 4, to ensure the legality of the marketing of wood and wood products, relative to the contents of the State Information System for wood trade in Spain (LIGNUM). All this in compliance with FLEGT and EUTR.

Comment as-tu résolu le problème?

Creating Lignum Data, which is a computer application that provides statistical information on the processing management of FLEGT licenses and responsible declarations and EUTR controls in Spain, providing, among other information, the volume and nature of wood products marketed by first time in the European Union market and the agents that market them.

Lignum Data allows the user to make online queries about the FLEGT and EUTR management data in Spain, generate reports based on the queries made, as well as download the consulted data.

Ce qui est innovant dans votre cas pratique?

Lignum data provides information on a map about the Autonomous Regions.

Quels sont les facteurs de succès pour résoudre le problème?

Coordinate autonomous regions to provide data to the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

The reports that can be generated

They are distributed according to the following themes:

  • FLEGT:

FLEGT license validation requests processed.

Weight of products declared in FLEGT licenses.

  • EUTR:

Responsible Declarations.

Number of EUTR Agents.

EUTR product quantities.

Countries of origin of EUTR products.

EUTR controls.

EUTR information by Autonomous Region

Leçons apprises

Likewise, for correct compliance with the EUTR Regulation it is necessary to know which species the wood of the products to be marketed comes from. This implies, d'un côté, that it is important to have a general knowledge of timber species (par exemple, knowing the scientific name, knowing if they are threatened species or what level of protection the species has or what the country of origin is. of utilization). en outre, d'autre part, it is very useful to know what the wood analysis techniques are and how to carry out adequate sampling in case the botanical identification of a wood is needed in order to rule out the risk of illegality of the wood product.

Quel rôle joue le conseiller ou le service de conseil dans le cas pratique?

Adequate compliance with the FLEGT and EUTR Regulations requires constant training and updating regarding aspects related to the legality of wood. Par conséquent, it is especially relevant to provide EUTR advisors with resources and news that can serve this purpose.

The competent state authority wants to make information given in conferences, courses, etc. available to interested parties and the general public. that contributes to the improvement of knowledge on FLEGT and EUTR matters.

Votre approche peut-elle être transférée et/ou adaptée à d'autres défis d'innovation et régions?


Transférabilité estimée sur une échelle de 1 pour 5

(où 1 est facile et 5 très difficile)



Le moment est critique pour mettre fin à la culture de couverture et la disponibilité de la sertisseuse à rouleaux peut représenter un goulot d'étranglement, Pour toutes questions et demandes de renseignements sur les prochaines classes d'excellence

Juan Pedro Romero Trueba


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