Quel a été le défi/problème abordé?

On the basis of scientific research and experiments, to introduce and demonstrate in biogas power plants innovative, sustainable, environmentally friendly, economically efficient technologies for the production and use of biomethane, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of agricultural activity and reducing its dependence on external energy resources. With the emergence of the opportunity to produce biomethane and use it in transport and agricultural machinery, a new and relevant opportunity to use biogas more efficiently is emerging. This will encourage solving the issue of secondary use of agricultural waste and by-products and refocusing on innovative technologies based on the circular economy.

Before the start of this project no biomethane production existed in Lithuania. There were no vehicles or agricultural machinery tested with real biomethane from agricultural feedstocks. It was necessary to find suitable biomethane production, compression, storage and filling equipment, agricultural biogas plant for integration of this equipment, biomethane powered agricultural machinery for experiments and demonstration.

Comment as-tu résolu le problème?

1) We prepared the analysis of agricultural raw materials suitable for biogas/biomethane production in the farms of project partners and determined the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the raw materials used in biogas power plants and the biogas produced during anaerobic processing; 2) we installed biomethane production, compression and filling equipment in demo scale and integrated it in an existing biogas power plant, owned by one of the project partners and using agricultural feedstocks; 3) we rented agricultural machinery powered by biomethanea tractor, a light truck and a forklift; 4) we tested all this equipment in real conditions in the farms of our partners; 5) we demonstrated project results during live open days, presented them during conferences and in social media by means of articles and video reports; 6) we prepared a cost and benefit analysis of biomethane production technology and the use of biomethane for transport.

Ce qui est innovant dans votre cas pratique?

The main innovation in the project is technological innovation. We practically implemented and demonstrated for the first time in Lithuanian agriculture continuous biomethane production complex operating on the basis of a circular economy, which includes: 1) supply chains of agricultural feedstocks for biomethane production; 2) biogas production processes; 3) equipment for biomethane extraction from biogas and biomethane distribution; 4) the practical examples of using biomethane in agricultural machinery and transport. Pendant le projet, the first biomethane in Lithuania was produced and the first biomethane powered tractor, officially registered in Lithuania, was tested in real conditions.

Quels sont les facteurs de succès pour résoudre le problème?

The main success factors are as follows: 1) Ces technologies doivent être accessibles en termes de prix, progressive and self-complementary EIP-Operational group; 2) deep knowledge and practical experience of lead project partner in biomethane production technologies; 3) deep knowledge of scientific project partners in the field of raw materials and biogas production technologies; 4) possibility to integrate biometane production complex in biogas power plants, owned by project partners; 5) financing from Rural development programme; 6) possibility to rent biomethane powered tractor and other machinery for project purposes.

Leçons apprises

This project showed in practice that biomethane technologies work and can bring benefits in agriculture. In Lithuanian agriculture, the time has come when it is possible to actively start spreading the ideas of using biomethane. pourtant, before the widespread practical use of biomethane in agricultural machinery, a number of issues still need to be resolved: 1) The range of agricultural machinery powered by biomethane is currently not sufficient; 2) The logistics of biomethane from the place of production to the tractors in the fields is of particular importance. pourtant, this causes significant additional costs to biomethane production itself; 3) In order to increase the economic attractiveness of biomethane use among small farmers, cooperation is necessary; 4) The economic effect is of primary importance, despite the fact that some farmers have a positive attitude towards the green deal; 5) Without support for investments for small farms, the implementation of these technologies, judging only from the economic aspect, is not useful; 6) Political decisions that increase the cost of diesel consumption and tax CO2 emissions can stimulate the rate of implementation of biomethane technologies in agriculture; 7) In order to increase the attractiveness of the entire biomethane production and use cycle, it is necessary to include digestate produced during biogas production in this cycle. It is necessary to scientifically justify and present the advantages and economic benefits of using digestate in an understandable and convincing manner to farmers; 8) Biomethane production for own farm needs can be easily integrated in already operating biogas power plants, diverting part of the biogas to biomethane production.

Quel rôle joue le conseiller ou le service de conseil dans le cas pratique?

The role of the advisor was very important in the formation of the EIP-Operational group, setting the operational goals, preparing the project study and submitting the application. During the implementation of the project, the advisor helped to organize meetings of the EIP-Operational group, exchange of knowledge between partners, and to ensure that the requirements stipulated in the project contract and regulations were implemented.

Votre approche peut-elle être transférée et/ou adaptée à d'autres défis d'innovation et régions?


Transférabilité estimée sur une échelle de 1 pour 5

(où 1 est facile et 5 très difficile)



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