Ez a videó a P’Orchard projektet mutatja be, amely az agrár-erdészeti rendszerekben a szabadtartású sertéstartással foglalkozik. Flandriában (Ugrás a tartalomra), ezt az innovatív koncepciót alaposabban megvizsgálták. Two pilot systems were installed to clarify practical questions and solve administrative problems. Experienced farmers, Adminisztrátor, consultants and government authorities joined forces in a working group to solve the challenges. As part of the i2commect project, it was selected as a particularly innovation-promoting practical example to serve as an inspiration for other advisors and advisory organizations.

Further information can be found at www.agroforestryvlaanderen.be és www.ilvo.vlaanderen.be


Check out: @ILVO.vlaanderen @inagrovzw5951