Qual è stata la sfida/problema affrontato??

The Animal Welfare Act since 2014 requires horse farmers to impliment mandatory welfare checks on their farms. Despite this regulation, many horse owners are unaware of this fact or have difficulty carrying out these checks effectively. The project aims at developing and implementing a digital checklist to assess animal welfare based on selected key indicators for horse farms in Schleswig-Holstein.It is marked with the provision of a state-wide tool for assessing animal welfare on horse farms in Schleswig-Holstein. The tool will be used, tra l'altro, to carry out and document the legally required self-monitoring on farms and to optimise the keeping of horses on individual farms. The tool will help livestock owners to overcome operational blindness and thus enable positive development of the farms. The focus is on analysing weak points on the farm. Le quote di partecipazione in superficie consentono alle aziende agricole di attuare misure in modo flessibile, fundamental risks to animal welfare can be recognised at an early stage and the increasingly emotional debate on the topic can be objectified.

Come hai risolto il problema?

The EIP-project „Animal welfare for Horses“ is developing a digital checklist for assessing animal welfare on horse farms based on key animal welfare indicators. These indicators will be selected and tested for practicality by a working group consisting of active horse farms and various institutions within the EIP project. The project also includes educational initiatives for farm managers through training programs and public relations. The checklist is intended for widespread use in Germany.

Cosa c'è di innovativo nel tuo pratico caso?

The innovation is the creation of a practical, digital checklist for self-monitoring on horse farms. This tool is designed to be user-friendly for farm managers, facilitating day-to-day use to ensure high standards of animal welfare.

Quali sono i fattori di successo nella risoluzione del problema?

Although the project is still in the early stages, its success factors include a dedicated and knowledgeable working group, active participation from exemplary practical farms, and a collective motivation to advance knowledge and practices in the interest of animal welfare in horse husbandry systems.

Fallimenti imprevisti, se c'è

Finora, il progetto non ha riscontrato fallimenti significativi.

Lezioni imparate

  • Poiché il progetto è ancora nelle fasi iniziali, further steps need to be taken to gain knowledge.
  • We have come to realise that it is important for us to identify the key indicators that cover all important aspects of equine welfare.
  • Team building and team work is one of the stratedies that project actors has establish at the beginning of the projects in order for the project activities to run smoothly and effectively as well as to stay focused on the project aims and objectives.
  • Defining clearly the project objectives and consistency of project activities to the actors as well as stating clearly the role of each actor before the project commences is important as it avoids confusion or diversion of the project goals. This enables efficient and effective use of project resources such as funds and time.
  • An important factor is active listening in order to be able to empathise with the other person and perceive their wishes and needs. This forms the basis for being able to ask specific questions in order to structure the consultation, find solutions and to take action in further dispute.

Quale ruolo svolge il consulente o il servizio di consulenza all'interno del caso pratico?

Provision of knowledge ,conducting research and provides finding to the project actors.The advisor is expected to come up solutions to the questions and problens that the actors are having during the project period.

Il tuo approccio può essere trasferito e/o adattato per altre sfide e regioni dell'innovazione??


Trasferibilità stimata su una scala da 1 a 5
(dove 1 è facile e 5 molto difficile)


La tempistica è fondamentale per terminare il raccolto di copertura e la disponibilità di piegatrici a rulli potrebbe rappresentare un collo di bottiglia, Per qualsiasi domanda e richiesta sulle prossime classi di eccellenza Stange, Laura Maxi (lmstange@lksh.de)



The EIP project aims to help assess animal welfare on horse farms.The photo shows an example of how horse grazing land should look like and how a healthy and well taken care of Horse should look like.

The OG of the project "Animal Welfare Horse" durante la visita al maso Ziegeleihof.

Even in winter, all horses must have a sufficiently large Paddocks.