Qual era la sfida/problema affrontato?? Why is it important for partnership to solve the problem?

Due to the rapid increase in the numbers of organic farmers entering conversion in 2023, there was a very apparent gap in how the large numbers of cattle and sheep farmer would be able to source and buy organic feed for their stock. The biggest numbers of drystock farmers starting their organic conversion were located in the west of Ireland and this land area would not be traditionally suitable for growing crops for feed. Due to the difficulty of growing their own feed in this area, it was clear that there was a possibility for organic tillage farmers to grow crops and directly trade with other organic farmers. There could be an opportunity for farmers to enter into contracts with each other and that there could be a positive outcome for both parties in that the tillage farmer had the assurance of being able to sell the crop at a profitable price and the drystock farmer would have a high quality feed at a fair price.

Come hai risolto il problema? (Oppure se il tuo caso pratico è ancora in corso come stai risolvendo il problema??)

A meeting of 40+ tillage farmers was organised in March 2023, where they were informed of the large numbers of new organic farmers and the growing opportunity for organic tillage farmers in the endeavour to meet the organic feed demand from the drystock farmers was highlighted. From the discussions on the day, the organic section of Department of Agriculture (DAFM) circulated a feed demand survey to all organic farmers in order to determine how much feed would be required to meet the feed demands for the winter ahead. The results estimated 40,000 tonnes of animal and human organic feed is required which is showing a huge deficit as the current area of organic tillage is only able to produce approximately 18 -22,000 tons annually. The results of the survey have given a confidence that the organic tillage sector has a very strong future market. This is encouraging other farmers to consider converting to organic tillage. Leading on from the desire to link farmers in order to improve farm to farm trade, the www.organictradinghub.ie was established, this is an online platform where farmers can buy and sell organic feed and animals and create new farmer links.

Cosa c'è di innovativo nel tuo pratico caso? (per esempio. innovazione tecnologica, nuovo prodotto o servizio, mercato

innovations, innovazioni sociali/organizzative ecc.)

The circulation of the feed survey to organic famers was innovative as it highlighted the deficit of home grown feed for organic farmers. Setting up the organic trading hub was also an excellent innovation as it is a one stop shop for all Organic famers who want to buy or sell organic feed or stock. It is a great innovation also due to the fact that it allows organic farmers to network and develop farm to farm trading relationships.


Quali sono i fattori di successo nella risoluzione del problema?

The main success factors in this case was how the feed survey put a quantitative figure on the demand for feed. This in turn has given the organic tillage farmer confidence that there is a strong future in this enterprise. It also has encouraged some non-tillage farmers to diversify and start growing their own feed and growing for sale too. The setting up of the organic trading hub is a great success as there is now a central hub for organic trading that wasn’t previously available.


Lezioni imparate.

Organic famers don’t have the same services and supports from the Irish farming sector as non-organic famers. This is mainly due to the fact that they are a small minority of the farming community. tuttavia, this project has demonstrated that there is a need and demand for high quality organic feed and it shows that where a market can be identified, growth can be encouraged. The benefits of the organic trading hub allow organic farmers to make better decisions as they now have access to more information on the supply or demand for feed and stock. This information gives confidence and this confidence can allow the organic farmer to plan and grow the farm business. In addition to the existing organic farmers, the development of this innovation has prompted other farmers to consider organic conversion, mainly due to the fact that there is more stability in a future market for the tillage farmer and also having a more direct access to purchasing of stock also builds confidence and makes the change-over to organic farming less daunting.


Che ruolo svolge il consulente o il servizio di consulenza nel tuo caso pratico?

The advisor identified the lack of farm to farm linkages and trade and on the back of this initiated the tillage farmer meeting. From this meeting the advisor engage DAFM to conduct the feed survey so that a better understanding could be developed on how the demand/supply chain for organic feed. Once this was done and the results were analysed, the advisor requested that DAFM set up the organic trading hub website so that improved farm to farm connections and trading could occur.


La tempistica è fondamentale per terminare il raccolto di copertura e la disponibilità di piegatrici a rulli potrebbe rappresentare un collo di bottiglia, Per qualsiasi domanda e richiesta sulle prossime classi di eccellenza

Marianne Mulhall, marianne.mulhall@teagasc.ie
