Slovėnijoje (Žemės ūkio ir miškų ūkio rūmai), mes pradėjome nuo pirmųjų „i2connect“ mokymų. Vėlavęs dėl pandemijos, trainers Mojca Čep and Jana Žiberna decided that it was time for a group of trainees to meet and get to know each other at the first online meeting, where we outlined guidelines for our further work. The training, supported by the EU-i2connect project, aims to support process management consultants bringing together several key actors. Training offers content and tools that allow participants to understand what is most important in such a process. The training is followed by a half-year mutual education, where trainees learn to help each other understand what is happening in the innovation process and they can increase their repertoire of possible measures that could be used for the further innovation process. Under the title Modern work of an agricultural consultant – “New times, new approaches” in April and June in Slovenia a small group of agricultural consultant will learn about new methods of working and exchanged experiences, which will help in the successful management of interactive innovations. Due to the pandemic, the first introductory meeting took place via the Zoom app, and interactivity was provided using the Mural and Answer garden tools. Hopefully the continuation of the training in June can be carried out face-to-face.