For the second time already our i2connect partners from Latvia, Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre (LRATC) organized AgriTech Makeathonan event/workshop where to create new, viable, state-of-the-art technology-based, innovation-driven ideas for a topical issue in agriculture, fisheries, forestry or food sector within 48 valandų. Seminarai, participants look for creative solutions to specific issues ending up with projects and products. In order to achieve the desired results, participants are supported by professional mentors and have the opportunity to use Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LULST) technical equipment.

Innovation in agriculture, fisheries and forestry is often undervalued. These industries play a critical role in meeting the world’s food and resource needs. With a growing global population and increasing environmental pressures, there is an urgent need for innovation to help address the challenges faced by these industries. Promoting the understanding that in today’s society, it is practically impossible to compete fully in one’s sector without innovations and new developments, LRATC together with LULST have joined forces to bring together enthusiasts from different fields who are ready to share their creativity and promote innovations to address the needs of the various sectors already mentioned. Depending on the creativity of the participants, the final products and projects can be very diverse, including but not limited to a concept, design, plan, prototype, product, app, software, hardware, ir pan.

Participants can be farmers, fishermen, miškininkai, patarėjai, scientists, engineers, programmers, verslininkų, marketers, designers, studentų, business and finance professionals, local government representativesanyone over the age of 18 who has a viable idea to find new solutions for agriculture.

Our project manager and main organizer from LRATC Aiva Saulīte-Liniņa shares her impressions: “Our goal with this event is to promote innovations and co-creation in the agriculture, fishery and forestry sector. We are trying to show the stakeholders that it is important to bring together actors from various fields and to find a way to interact with each other and make creative, innovative solutions for real issues in the sector.” Watch the full interview čia!

Each Team owns, without limitation, the intellectual property rights of the content of the Product created, invented and/or developed, including ideas, concepts, know-how, data processing techniques, copyrights, patents, designs, inventions, trade secrets, software, source code and documentation, notes, memoranda and all other intellectual property rights related thereto.

Makeatonas 2023 focused on bringing together different actors where some are creating the environment for others to create and thus helping to address real challenges in agriculture, fishery, miškininkystė, and food sector. This year’s ideas included:

  • ‘Helry’ – healthy nutrition app
  • Best use of fermented drabbins, identification of potential customer
  • Manufacture of pet toys from natural materials (wood residues, various textiles (leather, linen, cotton))
  • Development of vegan meat alternatives from organic raw materials
  • Use of apple pressure residuals
  • Establishing an efficient and modern system for the forest management sector
  • Development of a sweet recipe based on hemp seeds and organic honey
  • Modular sensor system for plant and environmental monitoring
  • Development of vegan and high-protein protein drinks
  • Predator repellents for sheep, goat, cattle herds

Participants were facilitated by the coordinators who have participated in national trainings of the i2connect innovation co-creation methods. During the whole event and facilitation process methods from the i2connect toolbox the Spiral of Initiatives, the Triangle of Co-creation, Tinklo analizė, Energy Timeline and peer-to-peer consultation were used to give Makeathon a new dimension. AgriTech Makeathon was one of the i2connect`s supported 13 bandomieji projektai. Tai trumpi projektai, suteikiant galimybę i2connect mokymų programos dalyviams savo mokymus pritaikyti praktiškai. Šie bandomieji projektai demonstruoja metodus, kuriais remiamos interaktyvios naujovės konkrečiomis vietos aplinkybėmis – šiuo atveju, bring together different people to create new solutions for existing agricultural problems.

More information about Makeathon can be found here: Facebook: