Koks buvo iššūkis / problema, kuri buvo sprendžiama? Kodėl partnerystei svarbu išspręsti problemą?

During the Covid 19 crisis (Kovas 2020), all schools were closed and public buildings were shut. While this describes a process rather than a project, all of the activities and management decisions are relevant to managing an innovation-driven MAA to resolve issues in a crisis. Young farmers who were attending class had to switch to virtual classes and course content including assessment was completed remotely. Some students were on work experience on farms in many different countries were not able to return home. They submitted their work online. Teachers and advisors worked from home for a long period.

Kaip išsprendei problemą? (Arba, jei jūsų praktinė byla vis dar nagrinėjama, kaip sprendžiate problemą?)

Advisors used digital solutions to keep the courses going and worked as a community of practitioners to ensure that the solutions were effective and that learning took place in the new more remote contexts. The Teagasc organisation provided institutional support in making swift decisions regarding remote access channels and facilities for all staff and students. Teagasc staff supported the wider AKIS through regular webinars, podcasts, and teleconferences. Management in Teagasc was on a full crisis alert with weekly meetings at different management levels with staff who in turn worked as teams with their students, host and benchmark farmers to design and implement revised learning plans for students, Of particular concern were students with learning difficulty. The farmer representatives on the Teagasc Authority (Board of Non-Executive Directors) participated in monthly meetings of the Knowledge Transfer Committee rather than the scheduled twice or three times yearly meetings providing valuable advice to Management.

Kas naujoviška jūsų praktiniu atveju? (pvz. technologinės naujovės, naujas produktas ar paslauga, rinkos naujoves, social/organizational innovations, ir kt.)

While this is a technological and methodological solution, it has social and organizational innovations as the services developed worked and got the students through their programmes and are likely to be retained and embedded into future learning plans by advisors and teachers and will change the way students and farmers learn.

Kokie yra sėkmės veiksniai sprendžiant problemą?

Good communications, positive attitude, courage to try new things, critical thinking, teamwork, pasitikėti, and commitment of staff and learners.

Advisors and teachers had some existing experience of using digital technology in the classroom and for elements of the curriculum. The existence of some video materials and digital communications systems were ready to use.

Teagasc like many other organisations had some existing internal capacity and experience with remote learning support, video making, Skype, and ZOOM.

Students were very willing to use their own self-made videos to demonstrate their learned skills from their own farms.

Teagasc staff at all levels listened to their students and farmers who were both responsible and responsive in their attitude and gave valuable feedback and workable solutions ensuring the safety of learners and teachers.

Išmoktos pamokos

Sometimes it takes a crisis to start or speed up an innovation process.

Advisors and teachers were flexible and resourceful in getting the job done and helping learners overcome problems, they put the learner first.

Students are open, innovative, and adaptable to new learning and assessment channels

Student feedback through regular surveys should be supplemented with regular interactive processes to cater to the diverse needs of learners in a crisis or managed change process.

Kokį vaidmenį praktikoje atlieka patarėjas ar patarėjų tarnyba?

A central role in testing and delivering new and more efficient ways of providing education programmes and services.

Advisors were responsible for trying new ways to deliver content and to follow up with students who needed more support.

Advisors and teachers met in smaller groups to share experience with farmers and students, both receiving and giving feedback.

Host farmers were very flexible in their management of students on placement and could communicate back to advisors and resolve issues and problems.

Ar jūsų požiūris gali būti perkeltas ir (arba) pritaikytas kitiems inovacijų iššūkiams ir regionams?

Įvertinkite perkeliamumą skalėje nuo 1 T19 5
(kur 1 yra lengvas ir 5 labai sunku)


Už pasidalinimą patirtimi apie gerą praktiką, please contact Tom Kelly (tom.kelly[ne]teagasc.ie)

References A smooth transition? Students experience of moving to online delivery and assessment in vocational agricultural education due to Covid 19 . ESEE paper June 2021.

Brian Morrissey and Monica Gorman