Koks iššūkis/problema buvo sprendžiama?

Dėl klimato kaitos, there is need to usher in a new era of land use which will assist in curbing up the issue of global warming and food insecurity in most part of the World. Todėl, it is necessary to create a new framework for action that opens up new opportunities so that we can better adapt to the eco-social challenges of the future and enable intact societies in healthy, climate-friendly living spaces, ensuring that farmers produce in a healthy way in a healthy environment while still having good cash inflows to their farms and on the other hand consumers get healthy food at the end. In order to this, AERA Land GmbH aims to establish a permanent experimental network along the agricultural value chain across Europe at large. This will enable farmers, advisors and producers to come together in order to achieve a common goal of adapting to climate change and living a healthy life.

Kaip išsprendei problemą?

The transdisciplinary research team have laid the foundation for applied research in Europe by bringing together the existing collective and new players within the non-profit organisation AERA Land, this will help in making transformation resilient.

Kas naujoviška jūsų praktiniu atveju?

The innovative part of the project is creating international network in agricultural value chain across Europe.

Kokie yra sėkmės veiksniai sprendžiant problemą?

The success factor will be deemed if the project will be able to creat such a network along the agriculture value chain where farmers,advisors and producers will be able to interact freely and exchange ideas for the betterment of the future farming.

Netikėtos nesėkmės, jei bet kuris

Since the project is still at the initial phase,there are no failures so far.

Išmoktos pamokos

Alot has not been learnt due to the fact that the project has just started.The following are some of the lessons so far:

  • It is important to maintain both the technical depth of individual issues and the ability to integrate them into larger contexts.
  • There is need for proper coordination, time management and self-discipline since the project covers many countries with different time zones.
  • Teamwork is also important in order for us to keep moving forward and to ensure that all project actors are doing what is required of them and that no one deviates from the main objective of the project.

Kokį vaidmenį praktikoje atlieka patarėjas ar patarėjų tarnyba?

The main role of advisors is to carry out research and provide solutions to the emerging issues during the projects. They are expected to share their knowledge and experiences that can benefit the project.

Advisors will also work hand in hand in hand with the project zones coordinator to esure that all meetings are well organised and conducted successfully.

Ar jūsų požiūris gali būti perkeltas ir (arba) pritaikytas kitiems inovacijų iššūkiams ir regionams?


Už dalijimąsi patirtimi apie gerą praktiką, please contact Christine Bajohr (telefonas: 01727642530, paštu: kugelsuedhanghof@t-online.de

Tai buvo pirmasis susitikimas, kuriame projekto idėja buvo iškelta diskusijai 2022 Aera Land GmbH akcininkai,dėl kai kurių veiksnių,projektas buvo atidėtas iki  2024.