Koks iššūkis/problema buvo sprendžiama?

Yra 26000 ožkos Bavarijoje. Raising young goats for meat production, especially male ones is not rentable. Goat meat is not a common meal in Germany, but the potential of the healthy and high quality meat is big. Goats are playing an important role in landscape conservation and nature protection as it is a very extensive form of land-use coming along with goat-keeping. The demand sidesupermarkets and restaurants – expects min. 10 kg weight of meat per piece, what they usually don’t get in uniform and big enough quantities from producer side. The majority of the 1700 goat keepers in Bavaria are goat milk producers. Meat is a by-product, the small size of the animal leads to a relatively high effort in cutting up the carcasses at the butcher’s. An informational link between producers and endusers is missing, where demand and offer are aligned. There is no transparent market-price-information on goat meat.

Kaip išsprendei problemą?

The Bavarian Goat Breeders Association addressed the Ministry of Agriculture to help finding a solution for the unsolved challenge of marketing young goats’ meat in Bavaria. There have been several attempts in the past to tackle this problem, but obviously there was no successful implementation or action plan realized. In June 2024, the ministry, together with the Goat Breeders Association invited all stakeholders for a startegy workshop in Munich. The main result of this workshop was, that a EIP-Agri project application, where the intitial investment in building up a central goat marketing contact point, would make sense. For the first time it seems that all releveant actors have been involved in problem solving from the very beginning.

Kas naujoviška jūsų praktiniu atveju?

In ths case, we are looking at a market innovation. The gap between producers and demand side is going to be closed. By negotiationg and mutual information when and how many goat meat in qhat quality is produced respectivily needed, a market information and brokering point is built up, filling the missing link in the value-chain. A marketing campaign can be started as soon as producers are informed an involved.

Kokie yra sėkmės veiksniai sprendžiant problemą?

The project is still in its early stages, but the major success factors is the involvement of all stakeholders from the very beginning.

Netikėtos nesėkmės, jei bet kuris

Kol kas, projektas nepatyrė jokių reikšmingų gedimų.

Išmoktos pamokos

  • Kadangi projektas dar tik pradiniame etape, further steps need to be taken to become succesful.
  • Goat breeders are willing to raise young goats for meat production out of a clear animal welfare position even if full costs won’t be covered.
  • Marketing goat meat won’t be the hardest part. There were enough ideas produced in the strategy workshop. Especially the gastronomy knows how to prepare and realize market projects. The Bavarian Agricultural home economics colleges are ready to promote goat meat in their educational program. It would even be a marketing mistake to start a marketing campaign, before it is not assured the product can be delivered. This means, the project has to start involving the producers, especially goat milk farmers.

Kokį vaidmenį praktikoje atlieka patarėjas ar patarėjų tarnyba

FüAk was asked by the Ministry to facilitate the initial Strategy Workshop. An interactive workshop was designed and realized by two experienced trainers and facilitators Pablo Asensio and Hans Zimmermann, making sure that all stakeholders are on board. The Bioland Goat Advisor presented results from a currently realized pilot project and study on lamb and goat meat. He brought in expertise and experience and could name the decisive sticking points.

Ar jūsų požiūris gali būti perkeltas ir (arba) pritaikytas kitiems inovacijų iššūkiams ir regionams?


Už dalijimąsi patirtimi apie gerą praktiką, susisiekite su Pablo Asensio (paštu: pablo.asensio@fueak.bayern.de telefonas: +49 871 9522 4369)


Yra 26000 ožkos Bavarijoje. Ožkiena nėra įprastas patiekalas. Nuotrauka: Angelika Warmuth StMELF

In June 2024, all relevant Stakeholders were gathered for a Strategy Workshop in Munich on Marketing of Young Goat Meat

Participants of the Young Goat Meat Marketing Workshop in Munich, Birželio mėn 10, 2024