Namai|Seminarai|Cross-visit|i2connect Cross Vizitas Prancūzijoje
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Discover the case: AGLAE – dissemination of practices

Title AGLAEFarmers share their agroecological practices in Occitanie

Thematic Reducing using of chemical in arable crops in Occitanie

Website of AGLAE AGLAE : le référentiel de pratiques agroécologiques innovantesChambre d’agriculture Occitanie (

Videos of farmers and advisor testimonies

During the cross-visit, we will focus on two levels:

· The practice at the farmer and advisor level: how to input innovation in order to reduce pesticides in arable crop and make the system mor sustainable?

· The practice at the project of dissemination level: how to track, capitalize and disseminate innovative and agroecological practices so they can get used by a wider number of farmers and advisors?

To introduce you to the practical cases, different actors will be present to present, explain and exchange with you:

· Farmer and advisor of the practice.

· Consortium of AGLAE project: projekto vadovas, partner (such as cooperative, technical institute, other advisor, …);

· Internee that are analyzing the process and presenting you their results;

· Other advisors and projects managers that are involved in different steps of the valorization process.


· What is taken in charge by the project i2connect: transport on place, lunch, material, room, coffee, break

· What do you need to pay for: flight, hotel, dinner

For information: for now, the exact place of the cross-visit is still unknown. Once it is decided, CRA Occitanie will compare and find the better solution for the hotel close to the cross-visit place.

Contact for the cross-visit

· Organisation of the cross-visit = CRA Occitanie : Marie Boitelet – · AGLAE project manager : Mélanie · i2connect contact: Domagoj

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