Namai|Seminarai|Cross-visit|i2connect Cross vizitas Lenkijoje
Įkeliama Įvykiai
Tai įvykis išlaikė.

CDR Brvinuve kviečia žemės ūkio konsultantus, sportbačiai, and all professionals interested in and related to agricultural consulting and implementation of agricultural innovation to a cross-visit in Poland.

CDR Poland has prepared a very interesting program. The process of implementing innovations in agriculture, cooperation between advisors, and the use of co-creation tools will be presented on the example of innovations and solutions used in a fruit orchard. The owners of the orchard have invited us to their company where they will gladly share their knowledge and experience, as well as show the innovations used at their company. We will also witness the pressing of delicious apple juice.

More information about the Fruit Orchard here!

Costs, laikas & accommodation

The cross visit will take place in Rugpjūtis, 7-10tūkst, 2023 in Pruszków.

CDR Poland will provide accommodation, full board and transportation during the visit. The participants bear only the costs of the swimming pool tickets and travel to the venue – Pruškovas, Lenkija.

Social activities

A good visit provides not only knowledge transfer. We will also provide some evening social activities, which are very important as well. Those with strong nerves will enjoy api-therapy in special bee houses during the visit to the orchard. Participants will also see an interesting multimedia exhibition at the headquarters of one of the best Polish folk ensemblesMazowsze”. The program also includes participation in dance workshops.

Additional entertainment

There is an indoor swimming pool (link to the pool: ) in the immediate neighborhood of the Victor Hotel (link to the hotel: ).


The number of places is limited. The order of registration is decisive.

If you are interested to participate, prašau susisiekti:

Monika WachnowiczBorządek

Karolina Świstak

Department of Methodology Advisory and Professional Development

Dział Metodyki Doradztwa i Doskonalenia Zawodowego

Tel.: + 48 532 547 037, +48 22 125 62 06E-mail:;

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