Kāds bija risinājums/problēma?

Innov’Action vēstnieki (Innov’Action Ambassadors) is a network built with farmers and advisors from CRA Occitanie. This network aims to spread agricultural innovation for agroecological transition and triple performance. Farmers will open their farm to other farmers and general public at least once a year for 3 years minimum. Visitors will access farms and find severel QR-code on place to discover agricultural practices and innovation on the farm. Beside, they will exchange with farmers and advisors during visit.

The network is composed of 13 farms and visits will begin on september 2020.

Tīmekļa vietne (site under construction) : http://ambassadeursinnovaction.fr/

Kādi ir veiksmes faktori problēmas risināšanā?

For now, projet is at his beginning. So the main goal is to create all ressources to permit visit to start. For now, critical factor is coronavirus context: we hope we can open farm to public on septembre.

What were the main challenges during the innovation process?

The main challenge is the choice of farm : we wanted to create a network which show diversity of agriculture in our region : it is a success. Tagad, main challenge is to open farm and create a regional dynamic around Ambassadeurs Innov’action network.

Kāda loma ir konsultantam vai konsultatīvajam dienestam ar praktisko lietu?

Knowledge awareness and exchange, Advisory, consultancy and backstopping aimed at solving complex problems, to be provided during the innovation process and based on demands of actors and the co-construction of solutions, Networking facilitation and brokerage, to help organize or strengthen networks, improve the relationships between key actors and to align services in order to be able to complement each other, Capacity building, aimed at increasing innovation actors’ capacities in order to play their roles in the innovation process, Enhancing/supporting access to resources by facilitating access to inputs, facilities and funding, Facilitating access to new networks and actors, Scaling up the innovation to increase the uptake by a broader group

For sharing experience of the practical case, lūdzu sazinieties

Marie Boitelet

marie.boitelet@occitanie.chambagri.fr – +33 6 27 55 12 18