Kāds bija izaicinājums/problēma, kas tika risināta? Why is it important for partnership to solve the problem?

Encourage farmers to adopt a change of practice to limit the use of chemical products. for the benefit of all, but they are the only ones who can put it into practice.

Kā jūs atrisinājāt problēmu? (Vai arī, ja jūsu praktiskā lieta joprojām tiek izskatīta, kā jūs risināt problēmu?)

Taking a multi-factorial approach that broadly questions the players in the value chaine : socio-économic survey, Research and demonstration trials on farms in parallel, wide distribution to advisors who lead producer groups.

Kas ir novatorisks jūsu praktiskajā gadījumā? (piem. tehnoloģiskās inovācijas, jaunu produktu vai pakalpojumu, tirgus inovācijas, un citās jomās)

This innovation is based on technological innovation based on semiochemicals, a categorization of biocontrol wich is less known and so less used.

Kādi ir veiksmes faktori problēmas risināšanā?

That the proposed strategy is economically viable, easy to implement, effective and compatible with their current practice.

Gūtās mācības.

It is very important to involve all stakeholders at the start of the project.

Kādu lomu spēlē padomdevējs vai konsultāciju dienests jūsu praktiskajā lietā??

Adviser allows the results to be disseminated on a larger scale and to monitor the evolution of the adoption of the practice for its territory.

Par dalīšanos pieredzē par labo praksi, lūdzu sazinieties

Emilie Maugin,
