Kāds bija risinājums/problēma?

Growing hops, as an agricultural activity, faces many challenges. Climate change is an important one because it has a direct impact on yield, due to the stress it generates on the plant and the increased pressure of pathogens. It is necessary to improve processes, involving the corresponding actors.

Kā jūs atrisinājāt problēmu?

We are conducting, among others, Pest Management trials, fertilization and irrigation trials, CO2 footprint analysis, composting trials, studies of operational costs, digital management of parcels

Kas ir novatorisks jūsu praktiskajā gadījumā?

It’s the first time that a project has addressed globally the challenges faced by the crop. Some of the methods used are equally innovative, as digital management, integrated pest control, utt.

Kādi ir veiksmes faktori problēmas risināšanā?

All participating actors have had a high level of commitment to the project. Hop growing in Spain is not a big sector and we have a nice support from Universities and Research Institutes

Gūtās mācības

We have learn to work and coordinate multiple teams successfully. Together we have been able to respond the challenges faced. We have begun to know how an IPM can be implemented in Hop Growing, we have learn more about the needs of water and nutrients in the different phases in our growing region

Kāda loma ir konsultantam vai konsultatīvajam dienestam ar praktisko lietu?

The advisor planned and coordinated all the objectives and activities of the project. The advisor carried out a SWOT analysis of the sector, and objectives and actors were selected to develop the CAME

Vai jūsu pieeja var tikt pārnesta un/vai pielāgota citiem jauninājumu izaicinājumiem un reģioniem?

Paredzamā nododamība mērogā no 1 Ļoti svarīga būs arī Štīrijas Lauksaimniecības kameras loma pēc projekta beigām, lai rezultātus izplatītu pēc iespējas plašāk 5

(kur 1 ir viegli un 5 ļoti grūti)


Par dalīšanos pieredzē par labo praksi, lūdzu sazinieties

Javier Fraile Marcos


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