Kāds bija risinājums/problēma?

Surface water is an important part of the ecosystem and its quality can affect not only the quality of the catchment area concerned, but also of the resources associated with them, as well as the quality of wider waters (underground, including sea). The quality of surface water in Latvia is most affected by two factors – nutrient inflow into waters and various modifications. Nutrients flow into the waters through wastewater and run-off from agricultural and forest areas, which contributes to the overgrowth of watercourses and bodies of water. Various modifications (dams, ports, shorelines, utt.) change the natural regime of the waters, thus also affecting natural habitats. Improvements are needed in river basin management in Latvia in order to be able to achieve the standards specified in the EU Water Framework Directive.

Kā jūs atrisinājāt problēmu?

Practical case is still in progress. The aim of the project is to improve water quality in the long term for approximately 30% of risk water bodies by developing, adapting to Latvian conditions and introducing various innovative management and management measures.

To achieve the goal, the following activities will be carried out: Let’s reduce the risk of pollution of domestic wastewater in water bodies;

reduce the release of nutrients and other pollutants from agricultural and forestry land, especially in the winter period, in order to reduce eutrophication and diffuse pollution of at-risk water bodies, with a particular focus on reducing phosphorus input;

reduce the impact of hydrological and morphological changes on at-risk water bodies, including the impact of drainage systems and small hydroelectric power plants;

improve river basin management planning and its implementation mechanisms through strategically planned capacity-building actions, as well as address gaps in the monitoring system for at-risk water bodies to ensure more effective implementation of river basin management plans (RBMPs) in future planning cycles;

raise awareness among various stakeholders and promote their involvement in the implementation of RBMPs;

We will provide support to the responsible authorities in the development of the necessary legislative acts and regulatory documents, as well as in the improvement of environmental policy.

Kas ir novatorisks jūsu praktiskajā gadījumā?

In this case innovation is still in progress, all parties involved are working on that.

Kādi ir veiksmes faktori problēmas risināšanā?

Working together and educate the public and institutions.

Gūtās mācības

Need to educate all involved parties about the importance of the project.

Kāda loma ir konsultantam vai konsultatīvajam dienestam ar praktisko lietu?

Advisers in this project have a role of dissemination of information. Later on the all the innovation and other methods that will be created during the project will be part of farm advisory work.

Vai jūsu pieeja var tikt pārnesta un/vai pielāgota citiem jauninājumu izaicinājumiem un reģioniem?

Paredzamā nododamība mērogā no 1 Ļoti svarīga būs arī Štīrijas Lauksaimniecības kameras loma pēc projekta beigām, lai rezultātus izplatītu pēc iespējas plašāk 5

(kur 1 ir viegli un 5 ļoti grūti)



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Edgars Dzelme

+371 20060859

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