Kāds bija risinājums/problēma?
The challenge is to maintain the production potential of the wine cooperatives, and therefore the network of these economic structures in the territories, in the face of several challenges:
– The renewal of generations in agriculture (unfavorable age pyramid, lack of attractiveness of the profession of cooperative winegrower, new forms of installation often outside the family framework)
– The development of agricultural wastelands and land retention
– Urban pressure and consumption of agricultural land by development projects
– The evolution of cultivation practices towards agro-environment to meet the new demands of the downstream market (certification) and to meet the challenges of territorial integration of the viticultural activity (recovery of water quality in the catchment areas, preservation of biodiversity in the Natura 2000 sectors, prevention of conflicts of use linked to treatments)
– Increased pressure from game damage and climate change
Kā jūs atrisinājāt problēmu?
Implementation of multi-issue territorial approaches led by the wineries, involving several stakeholders in their collection area (local authorities, appellation syndicates, technical organizations, inhabitants, iestādēm)
Mobilization of animation means for the implementation of action plans specific to each cooperative with regard to local issues (kartēšana, consultation, land mediation, utt.)
Kas ir novatorisks jūsu praktiskajā gadījumā?
Territorial approaches led by economic actors and not by local authorities : evolution of the perception of the role of these cooperatives, which are becoming, beyond their status of local enterprises, real actors of territorial development
Leverage effect on the mobilization of funding and regulatory tools thanks to the collective dimension provided by the cooperative = better adhesion of farmers
Combination of several tools to achieve a common objective of preserving the viticultural potential of a territory
Development of animation methods or specific tools tailored to each approach
Kādi ir veiksmes faktori problēmas risināšanā?
Commitment of the directors of the cooperative wineries
Communication with members
Adhesion of the communes and communities to the approach, which allows to make it credible
Gūtās mācības
Need to clearly define the initial needs and motivations, 1 cooperative winery = 1 specific approach, no replicability of tools and actions between wineries, but the ethics and values of this project deserve to radiate
Kāda loma ir konsultantam vai konsultatīvajam dienestam ar praktisko lietu?
The advisor plays a role in accompanying the process from its emergence phase to the implementation phase:
– Clarification of the cooperative’s needs: identification of its specificities in terms of agricultural production, of its territorial area of influence, and of its internal and external operating modes
– Realization of a territorial diagnosis: collection and analysis of available data, identification, solicitation and consultation of the different actors, crossing of the stakes (lauksaimniecības, spatial planning, environmental, social) realization of a synthesis and restitution, networking of the actors
– Definition of an action plan: proposal of targeted support and intervention in response to the issues identified in the diagnosis, prioritization of actions and phasing
– coordination of the implementation of the actions: construction of tools and methods of animation, interface with the communities, organization of the moments of exchange and dialogue, communication
Vai jūsu pieeja var tikt pārnesta un/vai pielāgota citiem jauninājumu izaicinājumiem un reģioniem?
Paredzamā nododamība mērogā no 1 Ļoti svarīga būs arī Štīrijas Lauksaimniecības kameras loma pēc projekta beigām, lai rezultātus izplatītu pēc iespējas plašāk 5
(kur 1 ir viegli un 5 ļoti grūti)
Par dalīšanos pieredzē par labo praksi, lūdzu sazinieties
Nicolas Giraud
nicolas.giraud@aude.chambagri.fr +33 (0) 6 43 59 53 81
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