Kāds bija izaicinājums/ problēma, kas tika risināta?

An infestation with ragwort or autumn crocus means that the feed cannot be used as it may pose a risk to humans and animals under the Feedstuffs Act. Instead, it must be disposed off as hazardous waste, which is costly. The cost of buying replacement feed due to weed infestation places a considerable financial burden on farmers, with prices for a hectare of land ranging from €1,246 for round bales to €2,381 for small HD bales.

The simplest solution to control these weeds is the use of herbicides such as Simplex (with the active ingredients fluroxypyr and aminopyralid), Harmony SX (thifensulfuron) or Roundup (glyphosate), which is not possible in organic farming due to strict regulations. Tāpēc, the only option at present is to remove these weeds manually, a process that is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming and no longer seems reasonable. Despite extensive research, there is yet no product that combines environmental friendliness with low labor input. The most effective and environmentally friendly methods currently available are maintenance and preventative measures, that aim to avoid gaps in the plant population that can be caused by wintering, careless pruning or driving on wet ground. In view of the high time and labor intensity of these measures, which according to the LfL can be up to 300 hours per hectare, manual control is no longer practicable in times of labor shortages and increasing farm areas. Tāpēc, the project addresses a critical need in organic farming and strives to reduce the workload, increase efficiency and prevent the abandonment of organic farming methods.

Kā jūs atrisinājāt problēmu?

The project focused on the development of an attachment to support the farmer. The attachment is specially designed for use in combination with a tractor, primarily for front mounting although it can be attached to the rear of the tractor in a raised position for road transport. On arrival in the field, the dual mounting with tractor triangle and three-point linkage allows the machine to be quickly hitched up and connected to the PTO shaft. The farmer only set the PTO shaft to 540 rpm and activate the implement. A traffic light system gives him instructions on when to drive or stop.

The implement uses built-in artificial intelligence and positioning technology to locate and mechanically control the weeds, with particular emphasis on destroying the roots in such a way to prevent the plants from sprouting again. A key component is the further development of an AI provided by Paltech, which enables precise localization of the weeds under different environmental conditions. The adaptation of the AI to challenges such as strong changes in light, detection in old clumps with closely spaced roots and the extension to detect autumn crocus and ragwort are essential for the effectiveness of the device.

Kas ir novatorisks jūsu praktiskajā gadījumā?

This innovation project closes the existing gap by developing an attachment for tractors that enables automated and mechanical control of dock, ragwort and autumn crocus and makes extensive use of digitalization:

-Precise localization using DGPS and RTK, allowing the mechanical tool to be positioned and used with pinpoint accuracy.

Artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize the plants and automatically detect collisions with obstacles such as stones.

Automatic digital report at the end of the operation, which documents the exact positions of the weeds and provides a well-founded assessment of the control success.This promotes continuous process optimization and helps to increase efficiency.

An intuitive user interface that can be used by anyone without prior technical knowledge.

Kādi ir veiksmes faktori problēmas risināšanā?

The implementation of the concept for an implement for the automated mechanical control of dock, autumn crocus and ragwort have the potential to significantly increase efficiency and sustainability in organic farming. The core of this project is the development and introduction of a robust, user-friendly and effective tool that offers universal compatibility with a wide range of tractors and does not require extensive user training. This enables broad applicability and accessibility for farmers of different farm sizes and technical equipment.

A central aspect of the project is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of weed control by applying precise detection and elimination mechanisms, weeds and their roots with the aim of achieving a resprouting rate of less than 15%. Particular attention is paid to the speed of weed removal, to ensure efficient use of working time and minimize the time during which weeds can cause damage.

The project also emphasizes the importance of user-friendliness by developing an intuitive operating concept that promotes rapid adaptation and acceptance in practice. Papildus, the implement is designed in such a way that it can be extended to control other weed species in the future, ensuring its flexibility and long-term applicability.

Negaidītas neveiksmes, ja kāds

The design took longer than expected

Gūtās mācības

A key aspect that enables the widespread use of this innovative attachment is its planned availability via local machinery rings. This measure ensures that farmers of all sizes have access to the device without having to bear high investment costs.

The option of renting the implement offers a flexible solution for farms that are only partially affected by heavy weeds or who need an effective control strategy when leasing new, heavily infested areas. This practice-oriented availability solution removes a major obstacle to the implementation of advanced control technologies in organic farming. Farmers can use the equipment as needed without making long-term financial commitments. This promotes acceptance and use of the technology, as the barrier to access is significantly lowered.

This approach not only strengthens the individual competitiveness of farms, but also supports the sustainable development of the agricultural community as a whole.

Overally, the automated mechanical weed control attachment offers farmers a practical and economical solution to effectively overcome the challenges of weed control. The easy accessibility via machine rings and the associated flexibility in application make it a valuable tool in the effort to increase productivity while at the same time improving the ecological compatibility of agricultural.

Kāda loma padomniekam vai konsultāciju dienestam ir praktiskajā gadījumā?

  • Giving feedback on the designs that were made on practical knowledge
  • Giving hints about future and current trends such as TIM

Vai jūsu pieeja var tikt pārnesta un/vai pielāgota citiem jauninājumu izaicinājumiem un reģioniem?


Par dalīšanos pieredzē par labo praksi, please contact Felix Schiegg (e-pasts: felix.schiegg@paltech.eu Phone number: 0176 64279882)

Project initiater carrying a sorrel and tool for manual extraction Design of the equipment Cow with sorrel