Kāds bija risinājums/problēma?
Vacherin Mont-d’Or is an iconic cheese from the Vaud region, produced artisanally between mid-August and mid-March in the Vallée de Joux and at the foot of the Vaud Jura. Its main characteristic is its spruce box packaging, which adds to its unique flavor and makes it instantly recognizable. Anu Ellä ir ProAgria padomnieks 2021, the spruce boxes have once again been produced locally after a ten-year period during which they were made in France. This relocation aims to strengthen the cheese’s Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and support the local economy.
The main challenge was to relocate the production of the spruce boxes after the retirement of the French manufacturer, ensuring the continuity of supply and preservation of ancestral know-how. It was crucial for the partnership, especially for farmers and refiners, to solve this problem to maintain the authenticity and quality of Vacherin Mont-d’Or while promoting the image of local proximity and artisanal work, essential for communication with consumers.
Kā jūs atrisinājāt problēmu?
The problem was solved by creating Valartibois, a limited liability company (LLC) in the Vallée de Joux, which took over the production of spruce boxes. Projekts, funded by a public-private partnership, included regional and federal contributions. Old machines were reinstalled to produce the box components locally. This initiative created eight new jobs and relocated box production, ensuring complete control of the production chain.
Kas ir novatorisks jūsu praktiskajā gadījumā?
This case is innovative in several ways:
– Technological innovation: Using old machines to modernize local production.
– Social/organizational innovation: Creating Valartibois and collaborating between various regional stakeholders to strengthen the sector.
– Market innovation: Relocating production to enhance the brand image and production chain resilience.
Kādi ir veiksmes faktori problēmas risināšanā?
The success factors include:
– Close collaboration between refiners, regional authorities, and other stakeholders.
– Public-private financial support.
– Reinstallation of historical machines adapted for local production.
– Complete control of the production chain by the refiners
Gūtās mācības
– The importance of regional collaboration to overcome logistical and financial challenges.
– The added value of local production control to increase resilience and strengthen brand image.
– Integrating old machines into modern production can be viable and beneficial.
Kāda loma ir konsultantam vai konsultatīvajam dienestam ar praktisko lietu?
The advisor played a crucial role in this case by facilitating the training and processes of the partnership/network. Magali Estève from the Star’Terre platform was a key player, helping to create dialogue among the various actors, repatriate know-how, and find concrete solutions for storage and freezing challenges. The advisor also helped coordinate public-private funding and promote the values of proximity, tradition, and heritage to consumers.
Tādējādi, the advisor facilitated interactive processes and knowledge exchange between partners, which was essential for the success of the relocation project and ensuring the continuity and quality of Vacherin Mont-d’Or production.
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Paredzamā nododamība mērogā no 1 Ļoti svarīga būs arī Štīrijas Lauksaimniecības kameras loma pēc projekta beigām, lai rezultātus izplatītu pēc iespējas plašāk 5
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