Sākums|Semināri|4th Regional i2connect Stakeholder Workshop “South East Europe”
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As you all know, the i2connect project aims at boosting interactive innovation in agriculture & mežsaimniecības, by better understanding of AKIS organisation and functioning, and capacity-building for the various AKIS actors.

Mūsu fourth and last Regional AKIS Stakeholders’ workshop will take place tiešsaistē, on Friday the 18th of October 2024, no 9:00 Ļoti svarīga būs arī Štīrijas Lauksaimniecības kameras loma pēc projekta beigām, lai rezultātus izplatītu pēc iespējas plašāk 12:30 (ŠO).

This series of events are organized by our partner SEASN (Dienvidaustrumeiropas konsultāciju dienestu tīkls). The fourth workshop will focus on the Lauksaimniecības zināšanu un inovāciju sistēmas (Acs) in Central and Eastern Europe. After presentations on AKIS measures under the CAP and on the modernAKIS project, the AKIS of five countries – Croatia, Ungārija, Rumānija, Slovenia and Serbia – will be presented, discussions will take place in breakout groups, before a final debate in plenary (see attached agenda).

We invite you to save the date and register via this link:


Here is the link to the videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83154867569 Meeting ID: 831 5486 7569

Papildus, lūdzu forward this invitation to any person interested in finding out more about AKIS in Central and Eastern Europe: your colleagues, tīklā, managers of advisory services, treneri, lecturers, scientists, public authorities…

We look forward to meeting you at this workshop.


Workshop program:

From 08:45 (ŠO) Technical Check in

09:00 09:10 Welcome and introduction to i2connect
Igor Hrovatič, president of the South Eastern Europe Advisory Service Network (SEASN) /
Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia (CAFS)
Silvens Stērels, i2connect coordinator, Francijas Lauksaimniecības palātas (CDAF)

09:10 09.25 Dažādos ziņojumos sniegtie AKIS novērtējumi lielā mērā ir subjektīvi?

Inge Van Oost, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Eiropas Komisija

9:25 9:35 Modern AKIS project introduction and links to i2connect

Florian Herzog, Austrian Chambers of Agriculture (LKÖ)

9:35 9:55 Comparative analysis on AKISCentral Europe with the emphasis on the upgrades and inputs from the Modern AKIS project

Sangeun Bae, Hohenheimas Universitāte (AK, VAI)

9:55 10:05 Q&A

10:05 10:35 Presentation and discussion of AKIS country reports (Part 1)

· Ungārija
· Horvātija
· Bulgārija

10:35 10:50 Coffee break

10:50 11.25 Presentation and discussion of AKIS country reports (Part 2)

· Slovēnija
· Serbija
· Rumānija

11:25 12:00 Break-out groups: Discussion on the AKIS country reports presented (identifying communalities and differences, lessons and insight to take, synergies to explore)

12:00 12:20 Feedback from the breakout groups in plenary session and discussion

12:20 12:30 Summary of the main insights and lessons from the presentations and discussions

Silvens Stērels, i2connect coordinator, Francijas Lauksaimniecības palātas (CDAF)

12:30 Closing words

Slađan Stanković

Southeast Europe Network of Advisory Services (SEASN) / Lauksaimniecības zinātnes pielietošanas institūts (IPN)

Satikties un apmainīties ar citiem Pārstāvjiem no plkst:

– AKIS virsbūves, ministrijas, administrative authorities

Public and private advisory organisations

Research and educational institutions

Farmers and agricultural organisations

Non-governmental organisations, professional associations, upstream and downstream industries

Piesakies jaunumiem!

* norādiet nepieciešamo