Jakie było wyzwanie/problem?

Training course for farmers to improve their leadership skills in human resources management and development. Including the main areas of the whole employee life cycle (ie recruiting, employee orientation and guidance and reward systems, well-being at work etc.) as well as learning and development of the organisation. After this practical training the farmer has a clear vision how to succeed as a top employer.

Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?

Practical need of education in leadership, good motivation to succeed as an employer, readiness for personal development

What were the main challenges during the innovation process?

Lack of time on farms, low income to invest on education

Jaką rolę odgrywa doradca lub usługa doradcza w praktycznym przypadku?

Knowledge awareness and exchange, Advisory, consultancy and backstopping aimed at solving complex problems, to be provided during the innovation process and based on demands of actors and the co-construction of solutions, Demand articulation, to allow actors to have access to new ideas, identify their needs, define their objectives and express clear demands to other actors, Networking facilitation and brokerage, to help organize or strengthen networks, improve the relationships between key actors and to align services in order to be able to complement each other, Capacity building, aimed at increasing innovation actors’ capacities in order to play their roles in the innovation process, Enhancing/supporting access to resources by facilitating access to inputs, facilities and funding, Facilitating access to new networks and actors

For sharing experience of the practical case, prosimy o kontakt

Krista Mikkonen

krista.mikkonen@proagria.fi +358 44 420 9003