Jakie było wyzwanie/problem?
Recent EPA Water Quality Report for 2013-2018 show that water quality in Ireland has declined slightly in that period. ASSAP is a change in philosophy to move away from regulatory based ‘one size fits all’ approach, towards being more collaborative, and identifying and implementing ‘the right measure in the right place’, whilst supporting local communities to get involved in protecting their water resources.
An industry and stakeholder collaboration resulted in the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) supporting the ASSAP to deliver farmer focused advice in 190 priority areas for action (PAA’s). ASSAP is supported by the DHPLG, DAFM, Local Authorities, Dairy Processing Co-ops, Farming Organisations and Teagasc.
The ASSAP programme is collaborative, inter agency and public private partnership with funding and support received from DAFM, DHPLG and the dairy industry. It enables local landowners to engage positively in seeking solutions to local problems with the support of a confidential advisory service. Support from the farming organisations for the programme has been very strong and this is vital in communicating and informing farmers about the ASSAP programme and its key messages. W 2019 the first year of the programme 30 advisors from Teagasc and the dairy co-ops completed 1,160 individual farms assessments with 96% of farmers engaging and 89% agreeing to complete the actions.
Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?
willingness of state agencies and dairy processors to support the approach and to recognize the value of having skilled advisors on the ground who were interested and willing step into this role.
The idea of working in a specialized but inclusive way with the other regular advisors who help these farmers mean that they were not threatened or afraid of loosing business.
Irelands economy depends on Agricultural exports and tourism, the green image is important and most farmers know this , but the don’t know precisely what they can do better to improve water quality. The value of an advisor who can point out simple things to help is appreciated.
What were the main challenges during the innovation process?
Getting everyone onto the same page at the start.
Jaką rolę odgrywa doradca lub usługa doradcza w praktycznym przypadku?
Knowledge awareness and exchange, Advisory, consultancy and backstopping aimed at solving complex problems, to be provided during the innovation process and based on demands of actors and the co-construction of solutions, Demand articulation, to allow actors to have access to new ideas, identify their needs, define their objectives and express clear demands to other actors, Networking facilitation and brokerage, to help organize or strengthen networks, improve the relationships between key actors and to align services in order to be able to complement each other, Capacity building, aimed at increasing innovation actors’ capacities in order to play their roles in the innovation process, Enhancing/supporting access to resources by facilitating access to inputs, facilities and funding, Facilitating access to new networks and actors, Scaling up the innovation to increase the uptake by a broader group
For sharing experience of the practical case, prosimy o kontakt
Noel Meehan