What was the challenge/problem addressed?
The approach developed in i2connect does not directly fit in existing education programmes, even not if some students join the summer schools. This good practice is about introduction of i2 in the head, heart and structures of education in Netherlands
Jak rozwiązałeś problem??
First action was: find the people who know the right people. When we found the core persons in the network, we enthusiasmised them, with the master class and with a clear challenge: ‘come in the group that makes a difference’ (2nd step in the spiral). Next step was: prepare creation actions of a network that gives the momentum to influence the people taking decisions; we did that by creating a training for soft skill teachers in the main agriculural education institutes (may 2024). Their enthusiasm is levering the group that takes the decisions for (the finance of) further experimentationi (step 3) which will meet June 2024. Before that meeting a testing program for advisors will be available (1st action defined for step 4). At the moment we have a positive decision in June, the implementation of i2 in Nl education will be irreversible.
Co jest innowacyjne w Twoim praktycznym przypadku?
Using i2 to embed i2 in Dutch AKIS, this was even not foreseen in the planning of i2c.
Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?
1) know the right people, and find their trust (network analysis and network building); 2)take the right steps at the right moment (awareness of the principles behind the spiral); 3) connect to/ use the current language of your target groups and be specific in what you offer and go for.
Zdobyta wiedza
1) You would expect teachers not to be entrepreneurial, well there are white ravens there! 2) trust on people and give them time.
What role does the advisor or advisory service play with the practical case?
the advisor/coordinator enthusiasmises the others (pioneers role), later the bigger group of advisors will be target group. We work on subsidy measures to make it cost effective to invest in their training.
Czy Twoje podejście można przenieść i/lub dostosować do innych wyzwań i regionów związanych z innowacjami??
Szacowana zbywalność w skali od 1 Twierdzenie, że na ostateczną jakość mięsa negatywnie wpływa stres zwierząt związany z transportem 5
(gdzie 1 jest łatwe i 5 bardzo trudne)
Za podzielenie się doświadczeniami dotyczącymi dobrych praktyk, prosimy o kontakt
Peter Paree
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