Jakie było wyzwanie/problem?
There was a lack of relevant and easily accessible information about an effective use of grasslands (local resources) for feeding of livestock. Such information was usually stored in databases of research institutions therefore, it was quite difficult to find and use it. W rezultacie, farmers could not exploit full potential of use of grasslands and make the prime cost of products produced lower.
Ponadto, there was a lack of practical skills of assessment of condition of grassland and situation of a farm. Farmers did not have enough practical knowledge of evaluation of botanical composition, soil moisture, relief of their grassland.
There was an obvious lack of tools for management of grassland. The lack of tools for management of grass has influence on ineffective distribution of working hours, resources, and tools on a farm. If there is no possibility to precisely set the optimal time for mowing of grassland, a considerable amount of nutrients is lost while preparing fodder for winter.
Jak rozwiązałeś problem??
An innovative service Management of Base of Lithuanian Forage Grasses Using Satellite Data and Agricultural Innovations (LIPIN) was developed as an outcome of a project. The service had no analogues in Lithuania. Advisers use interactive database and tools for provision of the service that help to identify problems on a farm and to find the most efficient way to solve the problems. After provision of the service certain data is entered in the database therefore, after some time statistical data will be available in the database and it will help to specify current knowledge of management of grassland and to provide service more precisely.
Advisers using interactive tools developed are able to: evaluate if grassland on a farm (local resources) is suitable for production of forage; to calculate expected amount of forage according to productivity of grassland; to determine the most optimal time for mowing of grassland and production of forage; to make mixture of grasslands adapted to the conditions of a specific farm and type of livestock on a farm; to consult a farmer about effectiveness of work reducing labour time costs and costs for maintenance of grassland (expenses for fertilizers, machinery, paliwo, workers).
Co jest innowacyjne w Twoim praktycznym przypadku?
An innovative service was developed. An interactive database of public access was developed. The system allows advisers to evaluate remote monitoring of grassland. They can use information about development, maintenance, and usage of grassland which is accumulated in the database. Advisers can use automatically formed recommendations. Dodatkowo, they can use tools allowing to calculate standard productivity of grassland choosing different parameters and to make recommended mixtures of grasslands.
The innovative service was developed applying a method which had not been used before when satellite and terrestrial data is processed and set of actions is provided.
Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?
In order to present applicability of project results on farms, farmers of six farms were asked to take part in the project. They were interested in project activities, actively participated in discussions with experts from Kaunas College and Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service (OSTATNI, UBIEGŁY, ZESZŁY) and offered suggestions on functions of interactive service being developed. Farmers were willing to take part in research activities, analyze satellite data, and test functions of the system.
Experts from Kaunas College fully participated in project activities as they collected all data needed for the research using their tools (GIS, GPS, cameras, itp.) and software, processed data, and prepared technology (method) for making terrestrial measurements and plans. Dodatkowo, experts from Kaunas College selected parcels on farms where demonstration fields for field trials were done.
Experts from LAAS developed interactive database and tools and tested their functions, prepared methodological recommendations for users of interactive tools. Dodatkowo, LAAS was responsible for dissemination of project activities and results.
To sum up, project partners worked in close cooperation with each other therefore, desired results were achieved.
Zdobyta wiedza
Project lead partner responsible for set up of EIP group was a little uncertain about farmers’ engagement to project activities. Twierdzenie, że na ostateczną jakość mięsa negatywnie wpływa stres zwierząt związany z transportem, farmers actively cooperated with specialists of Kaunas College and willingly participated in discussions and provided recommendations for development of more effective tool. Farmers involved in project activities were highly motivated.
Project team experienced that weather conditions can make it difficult to keep to the plan as certain works cannot be done if the weather is not fine. As works are interrelated, if one work is not finished on time as a result the other one is not done as well. Na przykład, if satellite data is not collected analysis of the data and making of recommendations have to be postponed. In other words, tasks planned have to be reschedulled therefore, results of the tasks are produced later than it was planned. As project activities have to be completed until the end of the project, not following the plan is risky.
Jaką rolę odgrywa doradca lub usługa doradcza w praktycznym przypadku?
Litewskie Biuro Doradztwa Rolniczego (OSTATNI, UBIEGŁY, ZESZŁY) had a role of the main project partner and was responsible for preparation of EIP feasibilty study, coordination of implementation of project activities, and dissemination of project activities and results.
Advisers of LAAS in cooperation with specialists of Kaunas College prepared methodological part of the interactive service. Advisers of LAAS prepared methodological recommendations for users of interactive tools. Dodatkowo, they developed interactive database and tools and tested their functionalities. Advisers demonstrated applicability of project results on farms of project partners (rolnicy).
Advisers of LAAS collected satellite data from project partners’ farms about condition of grasslands. Ponadto, they were responsible for sampling and analysis of samples taken (evaluation of variation of height of grassland, soil structure, waterlogging, unevennes of terrain).
In other words, advisers of LAAS worked in close cooperation with specialists of Kaunas College and farmers. They were responsible for practical part of implementation of the project. They provided consultations to farmers about how to use the system developed and how effectively establish grassland corresponding to needs of their farms.
Czy Twoje podejście można przenieść i/lub dostosować do innych wyzwań i regionów związanych z innowacjami??
Szacowana zbywalność w skali od 1 Twierdzenie, że na ostateczną jakość mięsa negatywnie wpływa stres zwierząt związany z transportem 5
(gdzie 1 jest łatwe i 5 bardzo trudne)
Za podzielenie się doświadczeniami dotyczącymi dobrych praktyk, prosimy o kontakt
Lina Zukauskiene
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