Jakie było wyzwanie/problem?
The project has been developed on request of organic farmers for mechanical, herbicide-free weed control in maize. It has been developed in cooperation of the agricultural extension service and the IBLA R&D department. The project is financed by a Luxembourgish drinking water supplier and has been realised for the first time in 2020 on a farm located in the drinking water catchment. The aim of the project is to grow maize using a seeder ridger combination for mechanical weed control. The maize and the subsequent crop is supervised, monitored and assessed through-out the year in order to achieve worthwile yields under organic farming.
Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?
What were the main challenges during the innovation process?
interest of conventional farmers
Jaką rolę odgrywa doradca lub usługa doradcza w praktycznym przypadku?
Knowledge awareness and exchange, Advisory, consultancy and backstopping aimed at solving complex problems, to be provided during the innovation process and based on demands of actors and the co-construction of solutions, Scaling up the innovation to increase the uptake by a broader group
For sharing experience of the practical case, prosimy o kontakt
Sabine Keßler