Jakie było wyzwanie/problem?

“PUBECis a common brand for the promotion and marketing of young Styrian wines and connects Styrian winemakers in the promotion of young wines. The important goals of this project are the promotion and recognition of winemakers who together appear on the market and represent Styria Slovenia as a destination for young wines. In addition to promoting the sale of young wine under one brand “Pubec”, it raises awareness, especially of young people, about the culture of wine drinking, and also ensures the rationalization of operations and promotion costs. Encouraging results were already visible in the first year of the common approach. Winemakers associated with the “Pubec” project recorded 40 percent higher sales of young wine than the year before, i 60 percent of wine customers also tried young wine for the first time.

Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?

The “Pubec” project first came to life in 2015, when 27 Styrian winemakers joined the project of a joint appearance on the market under a common umbrella brand at the 1st Salon of Styrian Young Wines in Maribor.

Encouraging results were already visible in the first year of the common approach. Winemakers associated with the “Pubec” project recorded 40 percent higher sales of young wine than the year before, i 60 percent of wine customers also tried young wine for the first time.

W 2016, 36 Styrian winemakers took part, who also conquered Ljubljana with an excellent young wine drop from their “Pubec”.

The Pubec project has come to life and as an example of good practice, in our opinion, represents the right approach to the success of Slovenian winemakers in the wine market. W tym samym czasie, it also proves that Slovenian viticulture can have a great development and market future if winegrowers and winemakers connect, cooperate and act together in common and good.

What were the main challenges during the innovation process?

Connecting winemakers for better marketing.

Determination of quality standards (chemical and sensory properties of Styrian young wine Pubec)

Greater recognition of wines from the wine-growing region of Styria Slovenia

Jaką rolę odgrywa doradca lub usługa doradcza w praktycznym przypadku?

Advisory, consultancy and backstopping aimed at solving complex problems, to be provided during the innovation process and based on demands of actors and the co-construction of solutions, Demand articulation, to allow actors to have access to new ideas, identify their needs, define their objectives and express clear demands to other actors, Networking facilitation and brokerage, to help organize or strengthen networks, improve the relationships between key actors and to align services in order to be able to complement each other, Facilitating access to new networks and actors

For sharing experience of the practical case, prosimy o kontakt

Tadeja Vodovnik Plevnik

tadeja.vodovnik@kmetijski-zavod.si, 0038651337092