Jakie wyzwanie/problem rozwiązano??

In Order to reduce dependences on intermediaries and the associated reduced margins, food producers are increasingly marketing directly. With the creation of a concept in Measure A, the basis is to be created for the development of a so-calledWe-Hold-Together App”. The aim of the app is to expand the existing direct marketing network (for regional products of primary production within the framework of Annex-I such as vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and sausages) in the Schwabach Valley locally in a targeted manner and to set it up for the future so that the increase in value added from direct marketing is ensured. The targeted, on-demand (and thus fresh) production of food for customers of the app and the increasing marketing potential directly promotes the primary production of food (including harvesting to the Optimum degree of ripeness). The creation of the concept for the app within the framework of Measure A is thus aimed directly at the marketing of food in the Schwabach Valley. The corresponding planning (concept) is to be understood as preparatory input for a successful Implementation in measure B.

Jak rozwiązałeś problem??

In the preparatory measure A of the project, the requirements for such an app are to be researched first. Based on corresponding findings, the second step will be to develop a concept for a digital platform that aims to connect local communities to form collaborative ecosystems: Citizens could in the future, na przykład, use the app to create Shopping lists and coordinate carpools to buy/pick up products from the farmer, thereby achieving social and sustainability goals. These benefits should be made visible to Citizens in order to actively promote and incentivize socially/

ecologically desirable behaviourtaking into account local challenges and specifics. The creation of the concept for the app within the framework of Measure A is thus aimed directly at the marketing of food in the Schwabach Valley. The corresponding planning (concept) is to be understood as preparatory input for a successful implementation in measure B.

Co jest innowacyjne w Twoim praktycznym przypadku?

TheWe-hold-togetherapp was designed to strengthen direct contact between food producers and consumers and at the same time remove the barriers to regional food shopping. This innovative app is not only intended to serve as a sales platform, but also as a tool to promote a sustainable food culture and strengthen the regional economy.

It will offer a variety of functions that enable producers to present their products in an appealing way and sell them directly to end consumers. Features such as location-based search, product reviews, recommendations and information about the origin and production methods of the food will offer users a holistic shopping experience. The app will also serve as a platform to raise awareness of regional products and increase transparency in food production. A central aspect of the innovation is the scaling of the direct marketing network in the Schwabachtal region.

Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?

The success of the project can be demonstrated by the great interest shown by consumers. A survey conducted with almost 400 participants shows that an app can have added value for regional food marketing, but also and above all, makes it much easier for the end consumer to access these products. . By continuously integrating new businesses and sales outlets into the network, there will be an opportunity to further expand the variety of regional products and offer consumers an even greater selection of high-quality food. This step will not only help to strengthen the local value chain, but also promote awareness of sustainable consumption and local production in society.

Nieoczekiwane niepowodzenia, Jeśli w ogóle

So far there are no failures during the project.

Zdobyta wiedza

The biggest learning is that the interests and needs of consumers vary greatly and can be very short-lived. W związku z tym, constant contact with the end consumer is very important.

On the farmer side, a change in the usual product placement is the biggest lesson learnt. In other words, the project has shown that consumers expect to be able to purchase products almost 24 hours a day in the long term, but would rather do without online retail.

It was also realised that working together inclusively automatically give an awesome results and promotes exchange of ideas between the actors.

By conducting the survey,it was easy to clearly find out what are the needs of the consumers and farmers and how important was the app going to be if its implimentation becomes successful,the survey actually shows the significance of the project which motivated project actors to move forward.

Time management and abiding to your roles as an actor is really helpful during the project journey.

Jaką rolę pełni doradca lub służba doradcza w praktycznej sprawie?

They facilitated exchange of ideas between the actors and customer side. They help in deciding what direction should the project take and administer matters at hand while trying to find solutions to questions that may arise from the customers side.

Czy Twoje podejście można przenieść i/lub dostosować do innych wyzwań i regionów związanych z innowacjami??


Za podzielenie się doświadczeniami dotyczącymi dobrych praktyk, please contact Tim Schmidt (e-mail: regional-vermarktung@web.de)