What was the challenge/problem addressed?

We needed a name, an icone to gather all the agroecological actors of Occitania. Last years, we organized multiactors events as a multi-partners stand during an agricultural salon. We had 3 problems = 1-The structure that payed for the stand, was the one labeled on top of the stand. 2-The structures that were not attached to the Ecophyto plan, couldn’t be part of it. 3-All the different structures had their labels and the farmers were lost. So we needed a new label to gather everyone, to show during multiactors actions et to clarify the communication to the farmers.

Jak rozwiązałeś problem??

We payed a communication company to find a name, a baseline and an icone that gather every agroecological actors of Occitania. They animated 3 interactives workshops and suggested few names and images. Following a vote, we had a logo that represents all the work we all do, the common aim and common message that gather us.

Co jest innowacyjne w Twoim praktycznym przypadku?

We created a label that gather all the agroecological actors of Occitania and rules of its use. All partner signed up and use it during multipartners actions.

Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?

All the partners were invited to participate to the interactive workshops and all their points of view were taken to create this common label.

Zdobyta wiedza

When partners use the common label to communicate, we suggest them to add their own logo too, for example in small scale at the bottom, to be sure not to be forgotten.

What role does the advisor or advisory service play with the practical case?

Advisers were involved in the interative workshops and votes to promote the farmers point of views.

Czy Twoje podejście można przenieść i/lub dostosować do innych wyzwań i regionów związanych z innowacjami??


Szacowana zbywalność w skali od 1 Twierdzenie, że na ostateczną jakość mięsa negatywnie wpływa stres zwierząt związany z transportem 5

(gdzie 1 jest łatwe i 5 bardzo trudne)



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