Jakie było wyzwanie/problem?
There was an agroecological collective, hold by different structures, whose aim was to disseminate the agroecological practices of farmers’ groups.
But, w 2021, the law changed and the activities of selling and advising about phytosanitary product could not be done by a same firm.
Because of that, some structures had to stop advising, and by consequence, stop officially hosting farmers groups.
But the farmers groups still exist and still have some interesting results to share. But because of the law, they could not be call “agroecological collective” and their results cannot be shared under this name. Produkty, the question was how can we give them a voice?
Jak rozwiązałeś problem??
All the partners thought about a solution. After different meeting and workshop, they arrived at the creation of a new “certification” in 2022: UNISSON – The voices of agroecology. The aim is to certify dissemination and communication actions in Occitanie
Co jest innowacyjne w Twoim praktycznym przypadku?
Mutli-actor approach that disseminate innovative practices: the innovation is linked to the process, but also to the content the partnership is disseminating.
Jakie są czynniki sukcesu w rozwiązaniu problemu?
Project is still new. Jak dotąd, the succes consists in :
– Bringing together partner under one process / certfication of dissemination action
– Propose a space for farmers group to disseminate their practices
– This process is open to every production in t
Zdobyta wiedza
– Clarify concrete objectives and message of UNISSON, so it will be easier for the partner to use it, and put themselves into a leadership posture
– Secure dissemination action of the partners
– Involve the partner make the action a succes because they involve their network and community
– As it is a new project, we have not yet achieved to involve a new target into our action. We need to diversify the actors involved and the target group.
Jaką rolę odgrywa doradca lub usługa doradcza w praktycznym przypadku?
CRAO is leading the project and the certification.
Local advisor are :
– target group of our action
– speaker for our event / action if they are facilitating farmers groups
– project pilot, if they propose a project throm the call for project UNISSON
Czy Twoje podejście można przenieść i/lub dostosować do innych wyzwań i regionów związanych z innowacjami??
Szacowana zbywalność w skali od 1 Twierdzenie, że na ostateczną jakość mięsa negatywnie wpływa stres zwierząt związany z transportem 5
(gdzie 1 jest łatwe i 5 bardzo trudne)
Za podzielenie się doświadczeniami dotyczącymi dobrych praktyk, prosimy o kontakt
Marie Boitelet
Link do informacji zewnętrznych